Expanding Your Microcomputer's Power
Microcomputers are becoming more versatile and dependable with each new generation of computer hardware and software. There are times, however, when the computational power of a microcomputer...

Design of Water Intake Structures for Fish Protection
This publication presents the results of a study on available technical information on the characteristics of water intake structures designed to eliminate or reduce damage to fish. Biological...

Planning and Environmental Criteria for Tall Buildings
The role of the tall building in the urban habitat and its interaction with urban systems is examined. It ranges over the full spectrum of engineering, architecture and social sciences....

Inland Waters '80
Abstracts are presented for the seventy-three papers delivered at the conference, Inland Waters '80. Topics of discussion include United States and Canadian water management...

List of Sources and Reference Material on Pipeline Design
Sources of information and reference material on pipeline design are listed. The bibliography is compiled for engineers with limited experience in the pipeline field, and the references...

U.S. Water Policy: Putting the Lid on the Pork Barrel
Federal water policy is undergoing a significant change, both in the way projects are developed and approved and in the kinds of water problems addressed. The Congress and the Executive...

Subsidence�A Geological Problem with a Political Solution
Subsidence due to groundwater overdraft is a problem common to areas in the western U.S. with minimal water supplies and growing populations. Action to prevent subsidence-related damage...

Groundwater and Non-Point Pollution: Key Water Quality Issues of the 1980's
Problems of the '80s will include: (1)A major effort to bring municipalities into compliance with clean water laws. So far only 40% of the municipalities are in compliance;...

Japan as Number One (Book Review)
Japan is world champ in rate of growth of productivity of its economy�� 10% a year compared with 0% currently for the U.S. Any of the reasons for this dramatically different economic performance...

How Texas got a New Highway Plan and More Construction Dollars
Texas has a new highway system plan, a new systems approach to highway design and about $300 million a year increase in highway funds over the next 20 years. Here are two articles that...

Urban Transportation Financing
The specialty Conference on Urban Transportation Financing examined the difficulties of providing financial support for urban transportation services that have emerged in recent years...

Broadening Horizons
Transportation and Development Around the Pacific
The Pacific Basin is a vast area bounded by five continents and containing thousands of islands. The result is a variety of peoples and cultures, giving rise to a multitude of urban planning...

Environmental Engineering
The 1980 National Conference on Environmental Engineering was sponsored by the Environmental Engineering Division of the American Society of Civil Engineering in cooperation with Manhattan...

Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers 1980
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers Vol. 145,1980 contains abstracts for all ASCE journal papers and technical notes, Civil...

Water Conservation Needs and Implementing Strategies
For several years, water conservation has been espoused and implemented in various locations throughout the country, largely in response to the drought in the West and partially as a political...

Fledgling Standards-Writing Program: Progress Report
Officially reborn just over two years ago, ASCE's standards effort now includes more than a dozen standards-writing committees at work or now being formed. Focus is in four...

Underground Buildings Save Energy
While properly designed underground buildings use less energy for heating and cooling, that's not always the reason they're underground. For example, San Francisco's...

Largest Inverted Shell Houses Two Theaters
A meeting center in Albany, New York, has such a complex shape that it took months just to design its surface mathematically. Perched on a pedestal, it is nearly elliptical in plan. From...

What Happens to Cities When the Gas Runs Out�
Many suburban-urban areas will be crippled by gas rationing; commuters may be unable to get to work until emergency procedures are in place. Some far-sighted communities, however, have...

America's Energy Future�A Primer and Discussion of Options
When the first OPEC crisis of 1973 hit, the U.S. was importing 25% of her oil�� now it is 50%. ASCE leadership, concluding that U.S. energy policy is weak, has undertaken a program designed,...





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