Flood Operation Studies of the Valdesia Reservoir System in the Dominican Republic
The Valdesia reservoir system, located on the Nizao River in the Dominican Republic, is designed to provide irrigation water to the Nizao project areas and hydroelectric energy to the...

ESOLIN: A Model to Optimize Water Resource Systems
ESOLIN is a simulation model designed to study and optimize the development and operation of large hydro resource schemes. It was developed as a tool for the development of large hydro...

Sedimentation Impacts on a Pumpback Storage Facility
Concern over future sedimentation impacts at a proposed pump storage hydroelectric facility at Lake Francis Case on the Missouri River led to use of a numerical model to analyze lake hydrodynamics....

The Application of Aerodynamic Model Tests to Wind Loading of Tall Buildings
The theory of the aerodynamic model test, in which the wind response of tall structures can be computed for a range of dynamic properties from a measurement of the external wind load,...

Simulation Algorithms for Offshore Structures
A rational procedure for characterization of water depths for a random sea state is developed, in context with linearized wave theory. The importance of using the expressions for 'intermediate...

Large Reinforced Concrete Active Reclaim Silos
The design and construction of large reinforced concrete shell silos used to provide economical short-term protected storage for coal and lignite in the active reclaim systems of power...

New Directions in the Application of Probabilistic Concepts in the Seismic Analysis of Nuclear Power Plants
During the last 8 years, probabilistic concepts have been used in the seismic analysis of nuclear power plants. Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) has been the primary vehicle for performing...

Experiences in Pneumatic Wave Energy Conversion in Japan
Several prototype and model studies of pneumatic wave energy conversion systems are discussed. These include those of the floating platform KAIMEI, the fixed system at Sanze and the new...

Prototype Wave Power Stations in Norway
The KVAENER multi resonant oscillating wave column (MOWC) power station is both described and discussed. The power station, which is now on-line, is designed to produce 1 MW of peak electrical...

Studies With, and Testing of the McCormick Pneumatic Wave Energy Turbine With Some Comments on PWECS Systems
Work done in developing concepts for pneumatic wave energy conversion based on theoretical analyses of the hydrodynamic, pneumatic, and mechanical systems with some estimates of performance...

Converted Wave Energy Transmission, Storage and Integration
Results of a number of full-scale studies of transmission, storage and integration of electricity resulting from wave energy conversion are discussed. These studies involved the floating...

Economic factors of Wave Energy Conversion
The paper provides some insights into the institutional setting in which power marketing is conducted (in the United States). It presents some approaches to economic evaluation that might...

Wave Energy Research in Ireland
Measurements taken at several locations off the Irish coast show that the average power intensity available to Ireland well exceeds 20 kW/m. Several projects have been undertaken in an...

On the Performance of a Wave Power Converter
This paper presents the KN-principle for wave - power conversion. The principle and components of the wave power converter are described and some practical relations are presented in order...

Optimal Strategies for Phase Control of Wave Energy Devices
Phase control has previously been proposed for increasing energy output from wave power devices, and latching strategies have been tested for point absorbers and for pneumatic devices....

Utilization of Ocean Waves?Wave to Energy Conversion
This collection of papers reviews both the state of the art in pneumatic wave energy conversion and the associated peripheral technologies, such as capture chamber research and design,...

The Effects of Earthquakes on Power and Industrial Facilities and Implications for Nuclear Power Plant Design
Fifteen earthquakes, ranging from magnitude 5.2 to 8.4 on the Richter scale that have occurred in five countries since 1952, were studied. This report documents the performance of power...

Bright Lights Over China
The financing for Guangdong province's newest 700 mw coal fired electric power station came from a syndicate of 46 banks from 11 countries. The steel for the turbine generators...

Ocean Energy: Can It Compete?
Electric power plants using ocean energy are technically viable, but they tend to be cost-prohibitive. A study commissioned by the Electric Power Research Institute and carried out by...

Supervisory Control System Design
This paper presents supervisory control concepts, elements of a typical system, testing activities, project management, and the procurement process. Modes of control systems are discussed...





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