Hydrometric Networks Serving Hydropower Needs
The Water Resources Branch is the national agency that collects, interprets and disseminates standardized surface water quantity and sediment data and information in Canada. The Branch...

Optimum Use of the Water Resource a Factor in the Hydroelectric Relicense Process
To meet Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) requirements for a new license, owners must demonstrate full development of the available water resource. This paper presents an approach...

Tailwater Management for Beneficial Uses
Tailwaters can provide significant benefits for recreation, fisheries, assimilative capacity for treated wastewaters, and water supply for municipalities and industries. Development and...

Regional Rivers Resource Assessment as a Tool for Hydropower Planning and Policy: The Pacific Northwest Rivers Study
In August, 1984, the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and the Northwest Power Planning Council (Council) initiated a study to provide information about important river characteristics...

FERC Licensing: The Water Resources Engineers Role
As a result of the Electric Consumers Protection Act (ECPA) of 1986, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is obligated to give equal consideration to non power uses of hydroelectric...

Multipoint Monitoring
Monitoring groundwater is necessary to guard against pollution and to provide data for water resource management. The Orange County (Calif.) Water District has embarked on a program of...

National Water Conference
This book contains papers presented at the ASCE National Water Conference held at the University of Delaware, Newark, DE, July 17-20, 1989. The National Water Conference was cosponsored...

Computerized Decision Support Systems for Water Managers
More than 200 public and private water experts from across the United States, Canada, England, France, Belgium, and Portugal gathered at Colorado State University, June 27-30, 1988, to...

1990: Decade of Natural Disaster Reduction
The loss from natural disasters is extensive. Earthquakes, windstorms, floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions, wildfires, and insect infestations have caused the deaths of nearly three...

Waterpower Development: A Renewed Partnership
Efforts to meet the water supply and energy needs of the country in a changing economic, environmental, and technical environment create new opportunities for joint action by water and...

Pumped-Storage: An Analysis of Optimal Capacity
This paper presents a systems analysis procedure to evaluate planning alternatives for pumped-storage operated in an existing power system. This procedure can be used by planners and engineers...

Optimizing Hydropower Potential Using Water Management Techniques
The development of hydropower facilities at existing dams creates an interesting dilemma to both public and private hydro developers: Is the proposed development the best-adapted use of...

Vilavilani Hydroelectric Project
There is an urgent need to solve the water and energy shortages in the Department of Tacna, on the coast of Southern Peru. The Vilavilani Hydroelectric Project could solve some of the...

Economic Analysis Guidelines?Western Area Power Admin
Guidelines addressing methods and procedures for evaluating benefit and cost components of power projects are being prepared for Western Area Power Administration to use in economic analyses...

Mini/Micro Hydro Applications in Remote Off-grid Areas of Ontario
This paper outlines the potential for remote off-grid small hydro development in Ontario and the present incentives that exist to develop these resources. Estimated costs of development...

Staged Water Resource Development Can Improve Economics and Advance Project Implementation
This paper provides reasons for staging, and describes functional types of staged developments, and planning and evaluation of these developments. Many water resources projects can be...

Studies of Fish Protection Methods at Hydroelectric Plants
Five largely untested but economical fish-protection systems were tested at sites throughout North America. The process of selecting laboratory and field test sites was completed at the...

Effects of Selective Withdrawal and Hypolimnetic Releases on Downstream Fish Resources
Selective withdrawal (multilevel outlet) structures on dams can be operated to modify reservoir discharges with the goal of improving downstream water quality and fish resources. A study...

The Role of Hydrologic Forecasts and Water Management in Support of Fisheries Enhancement
With the passage of the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act of 1980 and the adoption of the Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program in 1982, a new mandate...

Reservoir Releases Improvements?Requiem for Integrating Pollution Control and Resource Management Programs?
To better define the interrelationships between economic growth and development, pollution control, and water resource management, TVA conducted two studies that examined how reservoir...





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