Defining Traffic Impacts of Redevelopment
Developers have proposed to replace the existing, defunct Old Mill Specialty Retail Center with a primarily residential project. The balance of the Old Mill site will consist of smaller...

The Dialogue of Players on the Development Stage
To examine the factors which affect the quality of communications during the traffic impact study process, an opinion survey was administered to individuals representing three groups of...

Site Traffic Impact Analysis Process: The Developer's Perspective
Site traffic impact analyses are often conducted for private developers by traffic engineering consultants to be reviewed by the local engineering or planning departments of Cities and...

Are Existing Traffic Methodologies Realistic?
Several issues that will need to be addressed in the development of national uniform guidelines for Traffic Impact Statements (TIS) are discussed. A standard TIS preparation methodology...

Traffic Impact Study Ingredients
The elements, information sources, and format appropriate for traffic impact studies are described. The types of traffic impact studies discussed include regional modeling studies, municipal-wide...

Circulation Issues and Impacts?Corridor Redevelopment Santa Ana, CA?A Case Study
The Bristol Street Corridor Plan provides the framework for future redevelopment of a 3.0-mile section of the Bristol Street corridor in the central portion of the City of Santa Ana, California....

The Traffic Impact Study and Traffic Impact Fees
The Traffic Impact Study (TIS) identifies roadway improvements, and roadway improvement costs, which are required to adequately serve total traffic volumes after completion of a particular...

Development Impact Assessment with Transportation Models
The use of microcomputers in urban transportation modeling is having a major impact on the traffic engineering and planning profession. Between the late 1950's and early 1980's, most modelling...

The Application and Use of Impact Fees: Legal Issues
Local governments in the United States are empowered, in varying degrees to regulate land use and to provide adequate public facilities to serve new growth. To meet the substantial costs...

Three-Dimensional Eulerian-Lagrangian Transport Model
An Eulerian-Lagrangian algorithm, based on operator-splitting techniques has been formulated for the three-dimensional advection-diffusion equation. This combines the advantage of a fixed...

A Graphical Post-Processor for CE-QUAL-W2
A directly linked graphical post-processor has been developed for the Corps of Engineers' CE-QUAL-W2 (W2) Model. The post-processor allows the quick visualization and verification of the...

A Study of Salt Transport Processes in Delaware Bay
The study described here is a subset of a broader climate-related study, and is focused primarily on salinity intrusion into Delaware Bay and River. Given changes in freshwater discharge...

The Importance of Density Driven Circulation in Well Mixed Estuaries: The Tampa Bay Experience
This paper addresses the importance of the effects of baroclinicity in subtidal dynamics of a well mixed estuary, Tampa Bay. The analysis is based upon numerical simulations using a three-dimensional,...

Application of a Boundary Fitted Coordinate Mass Transport Model
A three-dimensional, boundary fitted coordinate, finite difference, mass transport model was applied to the Providence River in Upper Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. The governing advection-diffusion...

Assessing Cu(II) Speciation and Transport in the New York Bight
The New York Bight had been receiving waste disposals, dredged spoils and acid dumps for the past 30-40 years causing accumulation of trace metals such as Cu(II) in water and sediment....

A Semi-Implicit Finite Difference Model for Three-Dimensional Tidal Circulation
A semi-implicit finite difference formulation for the numerical solution of three-dimensional tidal circulation is presented. The governing equations are the three-dimensional Reynolds...

Modelling of Coastal Circulation in Singapore Waters?A Hybrid Approach
A hybrid modelling technique which involves the integration of numerical and physical models has been used to study tide induced circulation in Singapore coastal waters. The modelling...

A Modified Adjoint Method for Inverse Eddy Viscosity Estimation for Use in Coastal Circulation Models
The adjoint method is used to develop an objective analysis technique for estimating the vertical eddy viscosity used in three dimensional oceanic models. A cost functional which consists...

Evaluating Spillway Adequacy
More than a third of all dam failures are caused by overtopping. Equipment malfunctions or operations errors are sometimes to blame, but the principal cause is inadequate spillway capacity....

New Hong Kong International Airport
The airport at Kai Tak has served as a viable commercial operation since the lat 1930s and has played a pivotal role in the territory's development. The fact that Kai Tak has a finite...





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