Space Power Systems?Radiation: Energy Conversion
Pair production is a way to change a photon, a gamma particle, into matter or energy. It is found that if a photon of energy greater than 1.02 MeV strikes a foil containing a large number...
Mission to Planet Earth: The Quest to Save the Environment
The Mission to Planet Earth is a program designed to look at the earth as an integrated system. It is an internationally supported project. It was conceived because the current methods...
New Technologies for Unmanned Space Exploration
There could be no better time than now for the development and implementation of new technologies such as V.L.S.I. and optoeraseable storage. Creative inventions from new mathematical...
Encouraging Students to Enter Math, Science, and Space-related Fields
Most people agree that education is the key to technological superiority, that our current state of education is prohibiting the United States from being as competitive as it once was,...
Benefits of Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators
Since the 1960's the United States has had the capability to reach beyond the planet Earth with the aid of satellites and interplanetary space probes. As probes such as the...
Alternatives for the U.S. Manned Space Program
There are a number of directions the U.S. space program could take. Should a space station be built? Should a lunar outpost be constructed? Should the U.S. plan a manned trip to Mars?...
Challenges and Opportunities in the '90s and Beyond?A U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's Perspective
In the foreseeable future, water resources expenditures will probably be dominated by environmental/water quality concerns. Strong focus is coming to bear on the state of repair, rehabilitation...
Water Resources Infrastructure Review
This paper reviews the three reports forming the basis for the U.S. National Council on Public Works Improvement water resources infrastructure related findings. It also reviews the soon...
Planning Model for Sewer System Rehabilitation
A probabilistic model is developed to simulate long-term variation in the structural condition of wastewater collection systems. The effects of both deterioration and rehabilitation can...
Evaluation Plus History Equals Sewer Renovation
Sewers built in the 1920's were overflowing in the Fort Worth Zoo after moderate rain events. Data from A Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey (SSES), plus the Maintenance History...
Removal of Scale from Potable Hot Water Systems by Carbon Dioxide Injections
An innovative method for inplace scale removal has been developed and demonstrated. Injection of carbon dioxide gas into a piping system can lower the pH of the hot water and remove or...
Renovating the Riverside Water Plant?A Case Study
In 1986, the City of Waco, Texas began construction of the first of four projects designed to renovate the Riverside Water Treatment Plant. The water treatment plant was originally constructed...
The Use of Submersible ROVs for the Inspection and Repair of Water Conveyance Tunnels
At Virginia Power's Bath County Pumped Storage Station, robotic technology was pioneered through the development of a purpose-built Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) to gain...
A Design Process for Water Distribution Systems Including Optimization
Design of a water distribution system is a multi-level process from preliminary planning to final detailed sizing of components. Unfortunately as in many design problems, a final detailed...
Upgrading Hydraulic Infrastructure for Level One Redundancy
In the current paper a methodology is presented for upgrading any single source water distribution system in order to provide a level one system redundancy at a minimum cost. A level one...
Optimal Control Strategies for Water Distribution Systems
The overall operation problem becomes one of determining which pumps to run and when to run them so that electrical unit costs and electrical demand charges are minimized while at the...
A Methodology for Optimal Control of Pump Stations
Pumping water to utility customers is an expensive service which consumes large amounts of energy. Most approaches to date require simplifications and assumptions for the specific system...
Creatively Cost Sharing a Large Flood Control Dam
The passage of Public Law 99-662 in November of 1986, commonly known as the Water Resources Development Act of 1986, added a new dimension to Federal development of water resource projects....
Predicting Watermain Breakage Rates
Recent studies on water main breakage have shown significant spatial and temporal clustering in the breakage pattern. The methodology described in the paper provides the basis for a prediction...
Infrastructure Investment During a Boom/Bust Cycle
During a boom period, a utility can find itself in a position where the usual rules of thumb for making investment decisions are no longer trusted. If the utility enters the boom period...
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