Will EPA Relax Its Mandatory Secondary Treatment Requirement�
In the Clean Water Act of 1977, Congress said that under some circumstances communities discharging to marine waters might not have to provide full secondary treatment. At the present...

The Coastal Zone: Battleground and Classroom
The coastal zone of the nation is becoming the battleground for opposing energy and environmental interests. The Coastal Zone Management Law of 1972 asked that each state prepare a coastal...

Bypassing Sand at Coastal Inlets
To reduce dredging requirements and to provide calm navigation channels, the U.S. Corps of Engineers often constructs jetties and breakwaters. These structures block sand drifting along...

Dredge-and-Fill Saves $2 Million at Steel Mill Built in Swamp
The Georgetown Texas Steel Corp., in late 1973, accepted the challenge of developing a previously cleared cypress swamp on the east side of the Neches River across from Beaumont, Texas....

Corps Developing Wildlife Habitat to Solve Disposal Problems
The large volume of sediments dredged each year by the Corps of Engineers from navigable waterways can be considered a resource instead of a waste product, and used as a substrate for...

ASCE Sharpens Meetings Management
ASCE has scored some remarkable successes recently at its meetings�for example, record attendance of 4,400 at the 1977 Annual Convention, and at Coastal Zone '78, some 50%...

Filter Fabrics in Shore-Protection Structures: Save Money, Ease Installation
Over the past decade, plastic filter fabrics have seen growing use in shore-protection structures (e.g. revetments, breakwaters, jetties), river-bank protection schemes, and other areas...

Off-Highway Transportation in the Arctic
Because of the terrain and lack of roads in the region, a new breed of off-highway vehicles has seen heavy service in the Arctic and north slope of Alaska. These vehicles include rubber-bag...

Innovative Design at Florida Bulkhead Reduces Material and Construction Costs
Remedial work to an existing bulkhead at a deep-water berth for Port Everglades, Florida, has been done with substantial savings through the application of innovative design concepts....

Local Land Use Control Over Critical Areas
Some people advocate land-use plans that ban development in environmentally critical areas. But courts are overturning such regulations because they take land without compensation. Better...

Regional Earth Science Information in Local Water Management (Earth Science Information Needs in Local Control Master Planning)
This report contains the findings of an ASCE projects conducted for the USGS San Francisco Bay Region Survey. It covers a broad range of topics, including urban water management and planning...

Coastal Engineering (1970)
Abstract only. Papers from the proceedings of the Twelfth Coastal Engineering Conference, held in Washington, DC, September 13-18, 1970....





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