Analysis of the Causes and Triggering Events of Disastrous Torrent Flood
A disastrous torrent flood on the Vlasina River of 26 June 1988 was of unprecedented intensity in Yugoslavia. The catchment area affected by the catastrophe covered more than 1000 km2...

Factors Affecting Accuracy of Slope-Area Discharge Determination of the September 1992 Flood in Raven Fork, Western North Carolina
For the flood of September 10, 1992, in Raven Fork, Swain County, North Carolina, a peak discharge of 460 cubic meters per second was computed by using the slope-area method. Accuracy...

Analysis of the Torrent Lava Flow Movement and Its Computations - One Example Applied Investigation of Disastrous Torrent Flood
To compute torrent lava flow is hardly an easy task. Most often it has to be determined on the basis of flood traces. In the case of phenomenon discussed, it was the only possible way...

Steep Constructed Stream Channels and Chutes
Research and technology transfer needs are described for steep stream channels and chutes. Iterative processes are presented for design and construction of bouldery channels and chutes...

Chezy Formula Versus Theory and Common Sense
Using the theoretical concepts of the uniform flow formula and the inverse solution of the Chezy equation it is shown that a channel shape may have considerable influence on the value...

A New Formula for Mean Velocity in Torrents
In this paper we present a new equation for mean velocity in torrents based on travel time measurements and geomorphological relations. Here, the emphasis is not on understanding the physical...

A new approach for the estimation of extreme roughness in torrents by Hydraulic and Photogrammetry
In this paper we present an approach to estimate extreme roughness in torrents based on the transformation of an irregular bed geometry of a torrent reach into a geometrically well determined...

Study of Friction Factors in the Upper Reaches of the Rio Grande
The purpose of this study is to investigate the determination of Manning's roughness in the upper Rio Grande river basin and compare results to other studies where Darcy Weisbach friction...

Floodflow Effects on Riparian Vegetation in Arizona
A relation for estimating changes in the condition of riparian vegetation as a function of stream power was developed for stream channels in central Arizona. Flood and vegetation data...

Roughness Coefficients for High-Gradient Channels in New York State
Manning's roughness coefficients (n values) were computed for a range of flows at six streams in New York State (USA) that have high energy gradients (greater than 0.002) and large median...

Bias in Regression Estimates of Manning's n
Selected equations for estimating roughness for gravel-bed streams were tested using a composite data set containing much of the data used to define the equations. All equations tested...

Supercritical Flows Versus Subcritical Flows in Natural Channels
Many analysts model large discharges and/or high-gradient reaches as supercritical flow. While this assumption may be valid for man-made channels of smooth, non erosive materials, and...

Critical and Supercritical Flows in two Unstable, Mountain Rivers, Toutle River System, Washington
Critical and supercritical flows are generally considered to be rare occurrences in natural river channels. This paper presents data and results pertaining to the existence of measured...

A Study on Mathematical Model for Sediment Yield in Mountain Regions with Large Hillside Slopes
Based on the characteristics of water and soil loss in mountain region with large hillside slopes in southwest of China, the equations of runoff formation and sediment yield are obtained....

Bed Load Prediction in Steep Mountain Rivers
The characteristics of the stream channel morphologies in a very steep mountain ravine are explained by the data obtained through the longterm field observation. The bed load transportation...

Step Pool Geometry and Flow Characteristics in Low-Sediment-Storage Channel Beds
Data from two small ephemeral streams in Israel indicate that step pool geometry in bedrock channels is similar, in its salient features, to that in alluvial channels. For steep (>0.10)...

A Mechanism of Pool Formation and Maintenance in Forest Streams
Laboratory and field investigations illustrate a hydraulic mechanism responsible for the formation and maintenance of pools associated with large, in-channel obstructions in forest streams....

Coarse Sediment Transport and the Maintenance of Fish Habitat in the Upper Colorado River
An analysis of the relation between discharge and boundary shear stress is presented for an alluvial reach of the Colorado River near Grand Junction, CO. The analysis indicates that the...

Palaeohydraulic reconstruction of floods in upland UK bedrock streams: progress, problems and prospects
Palaeoflood evidence from five small upland Pennine catchments in the UK is used with the HEC-2 flow routine to simulate Holocene peak discharges. Even allowing for uncertainty, sensitivity...

Relation Between Largest Known Flood Discharge and Elevation in Montana
Previous studies relating unit discharge to elevation indicated that large floods in the Rocky Mountains may be limited by elevation. However, high-elevation data are sparse in Montana...





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