Clay Joints in the Foundation of Dkhila Dam
The stability analysis performed at the beginning of construction, taking into account the shear test results of the foundation claystone showed insufficient safety factors against sliding....

The Groundwater Studies for the Harrisburg Hydroelectric Project
The proposed Harrisburg Hydroelectric Project is a conventional 34.4-MW power facility located on the Susquehanna River in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The project will raise the river water...

Geology and Hydrofacture, Moose River Power Tunnel, New York
The Moose River Hydroelectric Project, Lyonsdale, New York, is constructed in Precambrian gneiss of the western Adirondack Mountains. A key element of the project was construction and...

HYOPS?Maximizing the Value of Your Hydro River System
This paper presents a microcomputer based software system, HYOPS, to optimize the operations of a series of hydro plants on a river system. The model can accommodate up to 10 plants which...

Optimization of Power Production Based on Efficiency Data
Computer programs dealing with different parts of the optimization process are in operation in Norway today, and they include: the hydrological part from weather forecast to reservoir...

Instream Flow and Energy Production Studies for Hydro Relicensing
A methodology for assessing the effects of alternative flow release scenarios on both aquatic habitat and on energy production was utilized during instream flow studies at a 72-MW hydroelectric...

Evaluation of Hydro Facilities for Sale to Another Utility
STS Hydropower had been contacted by a major industrial client near one of the STS regional offices for the purpose of evaluating both the technical and financial status of several operating...

Evaluating Financial Performance of Public and Private Firms Involved in Hydropower Development
The extended abstract compares companies that have gone public and the authors' own company which is private. Included are five publicly, or formerly publicly traded companies...

Capital Cost Modelling for Micro-Hydro Appraisal
Empirical capital cost models for mini- and micro-hydro installations have not been validated with consistent site information. This paper reviews cost modelling techniques and describes...

New Martinsville Hydroelectric Project
The New Martinsville Hydroelectric Project consists of a dual bulb unit, 34 MW powerhouse constructed at an existing lock and dam navigation facility. The project was completed on budget...

Jim Falls Hydro Redevelopment Project Construction
The Jim Falls Hydro Redevelopment Project consists of two 28.5 MW vertical Kaplan units in an enclosed powerhouse with an adjacent spillway. The spillway contains three radial gates, each...

Bonneville I Powerhouse Station Service Unit Rehabilitation
This paper presents the work being done towards the rehabilitation of the Bonneville I station service unit. The rehabilitation of this unit includes a generator rewind, excitation system...

The Construction of the Sidney A. Murray, Jr. Hydroelectric Power Plant
The project, consisting of eight 8.2m bulb turbines rated at 192MW, is located in the State of Louisiana and will use a portion of the water diverted from the Mississippi River to the...

Vertical Axis Hydro Turbines for Off Grid Installations
This paper describes the design, manufacture and testing of a 5 kW floating VAHT for use in tidal, ocean, and river installations. This work is based on the results of research contracts...

Feasibility, Licensing and Design: Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project
This paper describes the licensing, environmental, engineering, and design aspects of the project. Due to the project's remote location and geological setting, the paper will...

Trouble-Shooting Large Hydroturbine Bearings
Special problems associated with very large thrust and guide bearings and lubrication systems are presented, and cover common trouble spots, with examples. Various large hydroturbine bearing...

Hydroelectric Generator Rewinding Pitfalls and Means to Ensure Success
The failure or success of generator rewinding begins well before the actual rewind, and many of the pitfalls can be avoided if owners take some very important steps prior to the rewind...

Optimizing Joint Load Control for Hydroelectric Plants
This paper discusses a method to minimize water usage at a multi-turbine hydroelectric generating plant. At plants which do not spill water this optimization is directly converted to extra...

Electrical and Mechanical Design, Commissioning, and Performance of the Moose River Hydroelectric Project
The Moose River Hydroelectric Project is a single-unit run-of-river hydroelectric facility located near Lyonsdale, New York, and was developed by a private firm. The generating equipment...

Efficiency Monitoring Yields Large Revenue Gains
This paper presents a Washington Water Power Company program to increase hydroelectric plant operations' efficiency. This increase is due to improved flow, head, and megawatt...





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