Integration of CAD and Material Control
The purpose of this paper is to address the relationship between CAD (Computer Aided Design) drawings and the material control software. Computer generated drawings have the ability to...

Building Green
Some scientists say polystyrene insulation may be responsible for up to 40% of the ozone depletion caused by CFCs. That's only one reason why construction and design professionals...

Future Fill-Up
The car rental agencies at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport have combined their service/filling facilities in the new terminal's parking garage. This permits customers to pick up...

Designing Better Hollow Fibre Contactors
In this paper we calculate optimum hollow fibre module designs for gas absorption by maximizing the mass transferred per unit cost. Two costs are considered; the membrane cost and the...

The Soil-Rock Boundary: What is it and Where is it?
A major issue in many areas of Civil Engineering practice is the boundary between earth materials that are defined as soil and those that are defined as rock. Designers, contractors, and...

Problems with Rock Excavation Specification in Alberta
As a result of contract overruns and claims from classification, measurement, and payment for 'solid rock' excavation, Alberta Transportation and Utilities embarked...

Where Does Rock Begin Beneath Philadelphia?
Philadelphia provides an excellent example of the engineering problems associated with the interpretation of saprolite/weathered rock/sound rock profiles. The bedrock beneath the city...

The U.S. Office of Surface Mining (OSM) Proposed Strength-Durability Classification System
Federal regulations for the surface mining of coal stress proper design and construction of stable waste rock disposal areas. A key to the long-term stability of these excess spoil fills...

Mechanics Computing in 1990's and Beyond
This proceedings, Mechanics Computing in 1990's and Beyond, consists of extended abstracts of the papers presented at the Engineering...

Anatomy of Asphalt
Two main factors will combine over the next several years to alter the composition of asphalt pavements, which make up more than 90% of the paved roads in the U.S. First, a major research...

Out of the Lab...and into the Field?
Materials experts know very little about concrete's basic structure. Now, though, engineers at a research center sponsored by the National Science Foundation are working on...

Every Penny's Worth
Value engineering has been used in the construction industry since the 1960s, but highway projects have sometimes been thought of as too simple for VE studies. Now, with the increasing...

Caring for a Covered Bridge
Today the quaint Cornish-Windsor covered bridge (winner of this year's Outstanding Civil Engineering Merit Award) doesn't look much different than it did when...

Response of Ductile Iron Pipelines at Parkfield, CA to Loma Prieta Earthquake
A field experiment designed to investigate the performance of buried pipelines at a fault crossing has been constructed at Owens' Pasture near Parkfield, CA. The site was...

Evaluation of Automatic Earthquake Shutoff Valve Performance and Recommendations for Future U.S. Standards
Increasing interest of local and state government has developed in recent years regarding legislation requiring automatic shutoff valves for natural gas lines as well as lines containing...

Performance of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings During the Newcastle Earthquake, Australia
On December 28, 1989, an earthquake of Richter magnitude 5.6 shook the city of Newcastle. Newcastle is situated on the east coast of Australia only 100km north of Sydney. Eleven deaths...

Using Real-Time Location Information for Hazardous Materials Shipments
Real-time location information on shipments of hazardous materials can be used to update routing decisions while the shipments are in transit. The effects of unforeseen delays, accidents...

Marina Del Rey: 30 Years of Environmental Impact
Marina del Rey - the world's largest man-made recreational boating harbor - also holds primacy in pollution. Marina del Rey is home port to more than 6,100 vessels in wet...

Innovative Breakwater Designs on the Great Lakes
Extensive investigations have recently been undertaken to support the development of rubblemound breakwater designs for new marinas at Kenosha and Sheboygan, WI, both located on the west...

Assessment of Cyclical Wave Damage for Small Basin Harbors
Since the construction of Oceanside Harbor in Southern California in 1963, continuous wave penetration into the inner harbor has caused significant damage to dock systems, revetments,...





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