Statistical Modeling of Space-Time Data
A common practice in hydrogeology is to draw contour lines to depict the occurrence of spatially distributed (i.e., regionalized) variables such as groundwater elevations, aquifer properties...

Computing in Civil Engineering
Microcomputers to Supercomputers
This book contains papers presented at the Fifth Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering. Computer applications in specific disciplines are covered. These include construction engineering...

Boston's Water Distribution Corrosion Control Program
The Boston Water and Sewer Commission (Commission) was formed in 1977 with a mandate to maintain sound, economical, and efficient systems for water distribution and wastewater collection...

Water System Infrastructure Rehabilitation Needs in the State of New York
Water systems in many cities particularly in the Northeastern section of the United States are very old. With lack of proper and timely maintenance of the distribution network systems,...

Planning for Rehabilitation?MWRA Waterworks System
The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) operates and maintains 255 miles of large diameter distribution mains. Existing problems include increasing steel pipe repairs and extensive...

Infrastructure and Marketing in Water Resources
Marketing and infrastructure are two areas of growing interest and importance in engineering. Nearly every engineering discipline now uses some form of marketing to promote its products...

The Changing Federal/State Relationship in Water Resources: An SCS Perspective
Since 1935, the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) has worked directly with state and local agencies, and individual landowners, to conserve and develop the Nation's soil and...

Changing Federal/State Water Resources Roles
As federal agencies such as Reclamation undertake change on national and regional levels, the priorities and programs of state and local groups may, in turn, be affected. Increased coordination...

Changing Role Between State and Federal Agencies
The paper discusses the title subject from the perspective of someone working in a state agency. The federal agencies discussed include the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation,...

The Changing State Role in Water Management
The roles of the federal, state, and local governments in developing and managing the nation's waters are dynamic. They continue to reflect shifting social goals and policies....

Colorado River Municipal Water District Weather Modification Program 1971-1986
The Colorado River Municipal Water District (CRMWD) has sponsored a rain enhancement program on summertime convective clouds in West Texas since 1971. Silver iodide is used for cloud base...

Oklahoma Southwest Cooperative Program?An Update
In an effort to meet present and future regional water needs, the Oklahoma Water Resources Board and the Texas Water Commission (TWC), the Oklahoma effort has addressed three basic components:...

High Plains States' View on Weather Modification
The need for a critical analysis of all weather modification efforts has continued to be expressed during the ten years of the North American Interstate Weather Modification Council (NAIWMC)....

Nebraska's Special Protection Area Program
The designation of a Special Protection Area (SPA) under the program allows the state and local natural resources districts to move from the voluntary to the regulatory arena in addressing...

Methods of Evaluating Canal Transmission Losses
This paper discusses various methods presently used to evaluate transmission losses with particular emphasis on those methods used in the Bureau of Reclamation....

Conveyance Characteristics of Natural Channels in Wyoming
This paper addresses the quantification of instream or conveyance losses of water being transported within natural stream systems in Wyoming using a net total loss and incremental loss...

Groundwater, Technology, and Society
Water management is a multi-dimensional process. Its measures are technology, institutions and society's desires. For a management strategy to be implementable, it must accommodate...

Institutional Approaches to Ground Water Management
The nature of ground water has made the management of it difficult. Lack of understanding regarding the interrelationship of ground and surface waters has sometimes resulted in unworkable...

Alfalfa Yield Response to Shallow Groundwater
Operating Criteria for the Newland Project assume that crops grown on bottomlands will use some shallow groundwater as partial fullfillment of evapotranspiration demand. Three years of...

Methods in Determining Crop Water Usage
A study was conducted to evaluate different methods of measuring soil moisture and crop water usage in Southwest Kansas. Soil moisture readings taken by the neutron gauge were verified...





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