Accomplishments and Impacts of Reservoirs
Water resources have been developed by dams and diversion structures and utilized to meet the needs of civilization since ancient times. Today, water resources developments including multiple...

The Peril and Opportunity in the Water States
Water demand for agriculture, energy and public use in rapidly growing areas is raising questions about uncertain economic ramifications and international complexities of rights to water...

Progress Since 1979 in Sweden
During the past 20 years hard effort has been devoted to the protection of rivers and lakes from pollution. This effort has mainly been focused on the obvious sources of pollution i. e....

The Civil Engineer and the Decay of America's Infrastructure
With the infrastructure of the United States continuing to deteriorate, the problem becomes who will decide how much to spend in both repairing, maintaining and building new facilities...

Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers 1982
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers Vol. 147,1982 contains abstracts for all ASCE journal papers and technical notes, Civil...

Washington Office of the American Society of Civil Engineers
The mission, organization, and major public policy activities of the American Society of Civil Engineers are described. Emphasis is given to the ASCE Washington Office and its relation...

Financing Water Projects: Count on Uncle Sam Less!
The federal government has been the chief underwriter of many water resources projects in the U.S., but now changes in the Administrtion's policies have spurred new directions...

Nuclear Safety: A Problem of Technology or Ideology?
The issue of nuclear safety is examined. It is debated whether the public reaction to the issue is emotional or rational and whether nuclear safety is a problem of ideology or technology....

The San Diego Trolley
(1981 OCEA Special Achievement Award in Cost-Effective Public Transit.) The 16-mile long San Diego Trolley system, a light-rail transit project...

Water and Energy
Technical and Policy Issues
Industrial, political, legal, hydrological, and environmental issues surrounding development of energy and associated water resources are examined in this collection of papers presented...

San Francisco Convention Center Goes Underground
The Moscone Convention Center, built at a construction cost of �126 million, opened its doors to an admiring public on December 2, 1981. The Center's grand exhibit hall, 90...

CE Interview: John Hernandez
Since the Reagan administration took over the Environmental Protection Agency in 1981, there have been few decisions that have not stirred controversy. In this interview, Deputy Administrator...

State Officials Sound Off on Most Pressing Water Quality Issues
In the months ahead, Congress will undertake the awesome task of amending the nation's most important law regulating water pollution control: the Clean Water Act of 1977....

Writing an EIS for an Emerging Technology: DOE's Coal Liquifaction Projects
The emerging coal-derived synthetic fuel industry may be unique in that it has received public review of potential environmental effects before the first commercial scale plant is built....

Design, Construction and Rehabilitation of Public Transit Facilities
The 35 papers presented at the March, 1982 Specialty Conference on Design, Construction and Rehabilitation of Public Transit Facilities are published here. Some of the papers focus on...

Energy Crisis Revisited: Conference Highlights Roles of Marketplace and Government
At a recent conference on energy conservation co-sponsored by ASCE's Minnesota Section and the University of Minnesota, three speakers presented divergent views on the role...

Washington D.C. Suburban I66�Unique Compromise in Expressway Design
A controversial urban Interstate project with more than 40 years of history has reached the final stages of construction. Citizen participation in varying forms has led to the development...

Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers 1981
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers Vol. 146, 1981 contains abstracts for ASCE proceeding papers, journal and periodical papers and technical notes, Civil Engineering...

Social and Economic Impact of Earthquakes in Utility Lifelines
Seismic Considerations in Lifelines Planning, Siting and Design
Lifeline earthquake engineering is explored as an attempt to mitigate seismic hazards to public utilities and transportation systems. Utilities and transportation are 50% of the property...

Now Underway: In-depth Probe of Key Factors Construction Productivity
A New York based industry group is now in the process of doing an in-depth study of key problems facing the American construction industry�and what can be done to alleviate these problems....





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