Forecasting Irrigation Water Supply Using a Computer Model and Remotely Sensed Snow Cover
Improved streamflow forecasting in the Sevier River Basin is one objective of the Sevier River Water Management Study. Short-term forecasts are needed for optimum operations of irrigation...

Enhanced Multi-Dimensional Modelling of Marshes and Wetlands
This paper summarizes the verification and application of a two-dimensional finite element model capable of simulating the complex circulation characteristics in marshes and wetlands for...

An Overview of EPRI Hydrogeochemical Code FASTCHEMTM
The capabilities of the flow and transport modules that make up FASTCHEM are described. The linkages among the various modules that are required to achieve a hydrogeochemical analysis...

Modeling of Reactive Chemical Transport of Leachates from a Utility Fly-Ash Disposal Site
Fly ash from fossil-fuel power plants is commonly slurried and pumped to disposal sites. The utility industry is interested in finding out whether any hazardous constituents might leach...

Evaluation of the FASTCHEM Model for Predicting Leachate Attenuation at Fossil Power Plants
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has applied the model FASTCHEM to identify retardation mechanisms and predict solute transport at two fossil power plants. FASTCHEM (acronym for fly...

2-D Groundwater Transport of Reactive Solutes with Competitive Adsorption
This paper presents a 2-D model, with applications, for the groundwater transport with competitive adsorption of a metal, a ligand and a complex. The model, called METLI, computes advection-dominated...

Conjunctive Use of Surface Water and Groundwater Management
A mathematical model is presented for conjunctive management of connected surface and groundwater systems. The groundwater module is based on the linear, two-dimensional, horizontal flow...

Monthly Conjunctive Allocation of Water Resources for Eastern Arkansas
The objective is development and use of a conjunctive water resource model as part of a hierarchical approach. In this case, this program is developed to determine the monthly allocation...

Application of Tracer Tests in Groundwater Remediation Design
Recent advances in the area of field testing for the quantification of hydraulic conductivity have resulted in improved site characterization of aquifer hydraulics and greater reliability...

Transport Models to Simulate Nitrate Contamination
Computer models can be used to simulate groundwater flow and contaminant transport in the vadose zone, the results of which can be used as input to simulate flow and transport in the saturated...

Optimizing Regional Detention Basins for Price Expressway
Stormwater runoff from the drainage area contributing to the Price-Santan Freeway is captured in regional detention basins which require a series of pump stations for evacuation. With...

Evaluation of Embankment Erosion at TVA's Chickamauga Project
Studies were made to evaluate the extent of erosion to be expected under probable maximum flood (PMF) conditions. The erosion studies were made using the EMBANK computer program. The results...

TABS-2 Application to Kawainui Marsh Flood Control
The TABS-2 mathematical modeling system was used to evaluate the effectiveness of alternatives designed to eliminate flooding problems in the Kawainui Marsh located in Kailua on the east...

Appropriate Technology in Hydraulic Engineering
Appropriate, and successful, technology transfer is contingent upon the simple dictum: technology transfer is context dependent and context specific. Optimum success in the transfer of...

The Role of Computational Fluid Dynamics in Hydroturbine Analysis
Prospects of developing comprehensive methods of computational fluid dynamics for the analysis and design of new generation of hydroturbines are considered. Unique requirements for this...

Dam Break Analysis for a Series of Dams Using the HEC-1 and DAMBRK Computer Programs
The HEC-1 and DAMBRK computer programs were developed by the US Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) [3] and by the National Weather Service (NWS) [4], respectively....

River Dike Design Using a Numerical Model Approach
The preliminary design of a dike field at Redeye Crossing on the Mississippi River (Baton Rouge, Louisiana) is discussed. The TABS-2 modeling system was used to develop a two dimensional...

Issues and Challenges Facing the Effective Delivery of Scientific Visualization
The availability of economical hardware and software products for scientific visualization has stimulated implementation of scientific visualization within high performance computing environments....

A Modular Visual Interface for Computational Fluids Forecasting
A forecasting system is under development for predicting the three-dimensional physical features (e.g. velocity, temperature etc.) of large water bodies. Visualization and interface development...

Visualization of Grids and Flow Fields for CFD Data
This paper will address visualization of grids and flow fields for computational field simulation. Specifically, we will present results and demonstrations of surface and grid generation...





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