Performance of Pipe Spillways for Dams
The Soil Conservation Service has used several different kinds of pipe products for spillway conduits of dams. Materials with a shorter estimated life are used for smaller low hazard dams...

Pipeline Design and Construction Using High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipe
All pipelines and pipe materials must be designed and constructed to address the limitations of the pipe and fittings in order to insure acceptable performance of the line. Conventional...

Pipeline Explodes, Two Dead, 31 Injured, 11 Homes Destroyed
A high pressure pipeline in a suburb of San Bernardino, California exploded in a deadly fireball on May 25, 1989. Damaged as a result of a train wreck several weeks earlier, or by the...

Corrosion Protection of Cast Iron and Ductile Iron Pipe, San Diego, California
This paper addresses the use of a loose unbonded plastic covering polyethylene encasement for protection of cast and ductile iron pipe in an extremely corrosive soil. The case study in...

Analysis of Alternative Pipe Materials for a Major Public Water Agency
A major southwestern public water agency has historically specified the exclusive use of prestressed concrete cylinder pipe (PCCP) for large diameter water transmission mains. Due to the...

A Look Back in Time to Verify Life Cycle Cost Analyses
The proper engineering design of any hydraulic structure requires consideration of different but interrelated fields of: 1) Planning, 2) Hydrology, 3) Hydraulics, 4) Structural, 5) Installation,...

Landfill Gas Pipe Selection and Installation
Sanitary landfills present a unique array of pipe selection and installation criteria when designing landfill gas (LFG) control and recovery systems. Factors that must be considered include...

A Preliminary Model for Carbon-14 Transport in a Clay Buffer
A model has been developed to assess the effect of calcite dissolution and precipitation reactions on the transport of 14C through a saturated, calcite-containing...

Natural Radionuclides in Groundwater From J-13 Well at the Nevada Test Site
The concentrations of U-238 and Th-232 chain members are extremely low in J-13 water, suggesting that their concentrations in groundwaters are largely governed by sorption/desorption processes....

One-Dimensional Radionuclide Transport Under Time-Varying Conditions
New analytical and numerical solutions are presented for one-dimensional radionuclide transport under time-varying fluid-flow conditions including radioactive decay. The analytical solution...

Simulation of Radionuclide Retardation at Yucca Mountain Using a Stochastic Mineralogical/Geochemical Model
This paper presents preliminary transport calculations for radionuclide movement at Yucca Mountain using preliminary data for retardation parameter distributions based on mineral distributions....

Radioactive Materials Packaging Standards and Regulations?Making Sense of it All
Numerous regulations and standards, both national and international, apply to the packaging and transportation of radioactive material. These are legal and technical prerequisites to practically...

Public Concerns of Nuclear Waste Issues in Taiwan
Opinions and comments from randomly selected 1837 general public and 454 professionals are compiled and analyzed to obtain their concerns on nuclear waste issues in Taiwan. Results indicate...

U.S. Department of Energy Motor Carrier Evaluation Program
The U.S. Department of Energy-Headquarters (DOE-HQ), Transportation Management Division (TMD) has the overall responsibility to provide a well-managed transportation program for the safe,...

Selecting Preferred Routes for Highway Route Controlled Quantity Shipments of Radioactive Materials
The amount of spent nuclear fuel move in the U.S. in recent years has increased due to a number of government actions. One such action was the passage of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act which...

Nagra Performance Assessment of Radioactive Waste Disposal in Crystalline and Sedimentaly Host Rocks
Nagra has evaluated disposal of vitrified HLW in both the crystalline basement of Northern Switzerland and in overlying argillaceous sedimentary formations. Although indicating that both...

Initiating Event Identification and Screening for Nuclear Waste Repository Preclosure Risk Assessment
This paper describes a method to identify potential initiating events that might occur during the preclosure phase at a nuclear waste repository proposed for the Yucca Mountain area of...

Status of Integrated Performance Assessment of the Waste Packages and Engineered Barrier System
Performance assessment of the engineered barrier system for a nuclear waste repository combines information from relevant disciplines and predicts the net long-term performance of the...

Mass-Transfer Analysis of Waste Packages Containing Defense Waste Processing Facility Glass as a Waste Form
The fractional release rates of selected radionuclides from waste packages containing Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF) glass are calculated using the AREST code, assuming a continuous-diffusive...

A Gas-Flow Source Term from a Nuclear Waste Container in an Unsaturated Medium
The potential nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain is to be in partially saturated rock. Released radioactive gases would have a direct pathway to the biosphere. The entry of air...





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