Management of High-Level Wastes in the Republic of China
Because of the importance of nuclear energy in the Republic of China, the management of associated radwastes, especially the high-level wastes (HLW), is indispensable for today's...

International Safeguards Relevant to Geologic Disposal of High-Level Wastes and Spent Fuels
Spent fuels from once-through fuel cycles placed in underground repositories have the potential to become attractive targets for diversion and/or theft because of their valuable material...

The Transportation Operations System: A Description
A system engineering approach is being applied to organize and develop relations among the people, hardware, and software of the Transportation Operations System (TOS), which will be a...

Development of Transportation Operations Requirements: Operations Planning
Transport conditions at various utility sites vary dramatically in terms of characteristics at and near the site, requirements, administrative procedures, and other factors. Continuation...

Identification of Facility Constraints That Impact Transportation Operations
As Federal Waste Management Systems (FWMS) receiving facilities become available, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) intends to begin accepting spent nuclear fuel from U.S. utilities...

Selecting Preferred Routes for Highway Route Controlled Quantity Shipments of Radioactive Materials
The amount of spent nuclear fuel move in the U.S. in recent years has increased due to a number of government actions. One such action was the passage of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act which...

The SKI Regulatory Strategy and Performance Assessment Program in Relation to Final Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High Level Radioactive Waste
Important steps are planned to be made during the 1990s in the Swedish program for final disposal of spent nuclear fuel and high level radioactive wastes. Site selection will be done in...

Evaluation of Near-Field Thermal Environmental Conditions for a Spent Fuel Repository in Tuff
A repository heat transfer analysis is being performed by the Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL)a for the U.S. Department of Energy's...

?4C Release From Failed Spent Fuel Containers
Partially failed containers may provide a meaningful barrier to the release of gaseous radionuclides. A modeling approach is outlined and sample calculations are provided that show the...

Dry Spent Fuel Storage Compatibility at the Back End of the Fuel Cycle
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has publicly called for dry storage designs to be compatible with the back end of the fuel cycle, to achieve overall fuel cycle efficiency....

The Continuing Evolution of a Radioactive Material Transport System
The paper considers the evolution of BNFL's transportation system and those lessons learned and incorporated or being incorporated in the system as it continues to evolve....

BR-100 Spent Fuel Shipping Cask Development
Continued public acceptance of commercial nuclear power is contingent to a large degree on the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) establishing an integrated waste management system for spent...

Certification Challenges in the Development of an Innovative High Payload Capacity Spent Fuel Transportation Cask
The design approach and certification strategy used in the development of an innovative transportation cask for legal weight truck shipments of spent nuclear fuel is presented. The proposed...

Operational Considerations in Specifying Legal Weight Vehicles for the Highway Transport of Spent Nuclear Fuel
This paper presents the results of a research project in which tractor manufacturers and carrier companies were interviewed to gather information on operational concerns in specifying...

Three-Dimensional Plume Dynamics in the Vadose Zone: PORFLO-3 Modeling of a Defense Waste Leak at Hanford
In 1973, approximately 450 m3 of liquid containing radioactive and chemical wastes leaked from the 241-T-106 single-shell tank into the vadose zone...

Systems Models for Predicting Radioactive Waste
This paper illustrates how a model can be constructed to analyze the growth of accumulated spent Light-Water-Reactor fuel using a technique from systems theory which has proved to be capable...

Risk Perspective on Potential Releases of ?4C From the Geologic Repository at Yucca Mountain
The objective of this paper is to provide a perspective on the individual and population risks from potential releases of 14C from a geologic repository...

Deposition of Airborne Particles from Fractured Spent Fuel or High-Level Waste
Preliminary equations are developed to predict the amount of deposition of airborne particles that may result from an accidental release in a hot cell. The fraction of these airborne particles...

Trends in Waste Management Program Costs: An Evolution of Estimating Methods and Results
The purpose of this paper is to present a summary of how the program cost projections contained in the five TSLCC analyses performed to-date and the estimating methods used to make these...

Facility Interface Capability Assessment (FICA) Project
The U.S. Department of Energy-Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (DOE-OCRWM) is sponsoring the Facility Interface Capability Assessment Project to determine current and potential...





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