Field Experiment on Behavior of Continuous Water Main with a Miter Bend
A field experiment was conducted to investigate behaviors of a buried continuous steel water main with a 90-degree miter bend subjected to internal pressure and ground settlement. Deformations...

Structural Safety and Reliability
This proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR '89) held on August 7-11, 1989 in San Francisco, California contains almost...

Tomorrow's Energy Today
If concerns about global warming, acid rain and air pollution continue to mount, replacements for fossil fuels�for a century the dominant power source in the U.S.�will be necessary to...

Museum Showcases the Future
On May 4 in Philadelphia, the Franklin Institute's new wing, called the Futures Center, will open to the public. When the institute's neoclassic main buiding...

Less Bang for the Buck
Blasting rock is practical on job sites with ample space, but on construction sites in urbans or developed settings, contractors are shying away from blasting for several reasons. Noise...

America's Irrigation: Can It Last?
Although irrigated agriculture has made a substantial contribution to food production and the economy in the U.S., its future is now at a crossroads for a variety of reasons. Irrigation...

Creative Connections: Bridges as Art
Princeton University professor of civil engineering David P. Billington, at the invitation of civil engineering professors at Tokyo University, tours Japan and critiques several of the...

Keeping Lifelines Alive
There were no city water supplies to fight the fires in San Francisco after last year's earthquake. The fires were brought under control because of an historic auxiliary water...

Shop Drawings: In Need of Respect
Engineer Robert L. Boehmig voices his concerns regarding the preparation of structural shop drawings. He gives his view of the shop drawing's role in construction projects,...

Do Current Practices in Continuing Education Fulfill the Ethical Needs of the Profession and Society?
As part of the Code of Ethics of ASCE, it is the responsibility of the engineer to fulfill both the ethical needs of the profession as well as those of society. He or she can accomplish...

The Next Earthquake
The California's October 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake confirmed must of the current research and practice about structural engineering and seismic events. It also highlighted...

Exploratory Shaft Facility
This paper is an overview of engineering and concept development for the Exploratory Shaft Facility (ESF) of the Yucca Mountain Project. The paper presents a general description of the...

Role of Underground Testing to Determine Suitability of Yucca Mountain as a Potential Repository Site
A brief description of the Exploratory Shaft based site characterization testing program for the Department of Energy's (DOE) Yucca Mountain Project of the permanent disposal...

Smoothwall Blasting Planned for the Underground Research Facility at Yucca Mountain
At this time it is not known whether the Exploratory Shaft Facility (ESF) at Yucca Mountain, Nevada will be completely mechanically excavated, completely developed by drilling and blasting...

Rock Mechanics Aspects of the ESF Design
Selected aspects of the ESF rock mechanics design are outlined with emphasis placed on specific requirements imposed on the design process conducted within quality assurance-controlled...

Preliminary Methodology for Design of Stable Drifts for the Yucca Mountain Project
The Yucca Mountain Project is investigating the feasibility of locating a high-level radioactive nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. The conceptual design of the repository...

Basaltic Volcanic Episodes of the Yucca Mountain Region
The purpose of this paper is to summarize briefly the distribution and geologic characteristics of basaltic volcanism in the Yucca Mountain region during the last 10-12 Ma. This interval...

Volcano-Tectonic Interpretations: An Example from the Northern Basin & Range
Study of volcano-tectonic relationships in the Northern Basin and Range suggests a temporal relationship between basin propagation and the inception of volvanism. The age relationships...

The Area of Most Recent Volcanism Near Yucca Mountain, Nevada: Implications for Volcanic Risk Assessment
The proposed area of most recent volcanism (AMRV) includes all known post-6 Ma volcanic complexes in the Yucca Mountain area and encompasses the four volcanic centers in Crater Flat, the...

Incorporating Seismotectonic Data into Seismic Hazard Analyses
A wide range of seismotectonic data are now being incorporated into probabilistic seismic hazard analyses, supplementing the inadequately short historical seismicity record. This paper...





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