Contaminant Trends in the Southern California Bight: The Coast is Cleaner
Data from local, regional and federal coastal monitoring programs were used to assess long-term trends and spatial extent of chemical contamination in sediments, shellfish, and fish of...

Sonoma Baylands: Creating an Environmental Benefit Out of the San Francisco Bay Dredging Crisis
The dredging of shipping channels and ports in San Francisco Bay has reached a crisis. Continued disposal of dredge material in the bay is controversial and an ocean disposal site is not...

Sedimentation Patterns of a Restored Tidal Wetland
Coyote Slough Lagoon was flooded as part of a local mitigation project in 1986. The design of the restored marsh included peninsulas to break up the local fetch and resulted in the development...

Effectiveness of Wetland Regulation in San Diego County, California
This study evaluated the cumulative impacts to wetlands permitted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game in San Diego County, California between...

Comprehensive Analysis of Physical Processes in a Coastal Lagoon: New Insights for Estuarine Management
Long-term observations of physical processes in the Indian River Lagoon have been analyzed to resolve the various forcings and boundary conditions that control episodic salt intrusion,...

Management of a Continental Shelf Ecosystem
The ecological system of the Mississippi-Alabama continental shelf is highly diverse and productive and contains unique natural features worth preserving. This system is intimately bound...

Florida's Marine Turtle Protection Program: Seeking Solutions
The State of Florida is attempting to assist in the recovery of endangered and threatened marine turtles. This paper describes the multi-leveled approach being utilized to address threats...

Duck Soup: Resolving Resource Conflicts at Rush Ranch
Land use conflicts are intensifying as population grows and habitat shrinks. Differences between duck hunters, cattle ranchers, bird watchers and a half dozen state and local agencies...

Geological Characterization of Selected Offshore Sand Resources on the OCS, Offshore Alabama, for Beach Nourishment
Most Alabama Gulf and estuarine shoreline is undergoing long-term erosion; threatened shorelines will need programs of replenishment and maintenance if they are to be even temporarily...

Five Year Program to Evaluate Sand, Mineral and Hard Bottom Resources of the Continental Shelf off South Carolina
In July of 1992, the State of South Carolina entered into a cooperative arrangement with the Minerals Management Service (MMS) to establish a technical working group to identify and evaluate...

Consolidation Settlement Potential in South Louisiana
Primary consolidation is an important cause of wetland loss in active and recently abandoned deltaic plains in south Louisiana. Argillaceous and organic facies are most subject to reduction...

Subsidence Properties of Holocene Sediments: S. La.
As part of a comprehensive USGS-sponsored study of processes that drive subsidence and wetland loss in south Louisiana, two continuously cored deep borings (60 m and 72 m) were acquired...

Salinity Variations in Two Louisiana Estuaries
Salinity variations, on a variety of time scales, are described for two shallow bar-built estuaries of the Louisiana coast. Tidal, sub-tidal, and seasonal scale variations are important...

Effects of Surface Brine Disposal on the Marshes in Coastal Louisiana
In 1986, more than 1 billion barrels of brine were disposed of in Coastal Louisiana. Disposal of brine into surface water body is economically practical but environmentally detrimental....

Relocating Erosion-Threatened Buildings?A Study of North Carolina Housemoving
Relocation moves the existing building if it becomes threatened by erosion. Each option has its own tradeoffs - advantages and disadvantages, that should be evaluated for the particular...

Historical Shoreline Position Change for the Mainland Beach in Harrison County, Mississippi
Historical shoreline position change (1851/52 to 1986) associated with the mainland beach in Harrison County, Mississippi, are controlled by engineering activities associated with beach...

Dock Master Planning in Coastal South Carolina
The rising population of coastal South Carolina has lead to an increasing demand for water access structures such as private docks. In order to comprehensively review the impacts of large...

Resource Extraction Activities in the Coastal Zone?The Impact of Offshore Oil Production on Coastal Communities
There are few studies that examine the impact of offshore oil extraction on social problems, educational attainment and economic health of communities. The results of this study demonstrate...

Myths, Models and Managers of Marine Resources
This paper argues that the assumptions of scientific models are often accepted without verification. Examining the use of Hardin's tragedy of the commons model in the management of marine...

Dealing with TMDLs in the Dairy-McKay HUA
The maximum phosphorus concentration for the TMDL in the Tualatin River is set by Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) at 0.07 mg/1, Dairy-McKay Creek is 0.045 mg/1 Identification of potential...





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