Strengthening Old Floors
The floors of the historic City Hall and Courthouse in Minneapolis had withstood 80 years of hard use before they have to be analyzed and brought up to code. The building is about 300...

A Regional Screening Method for Classifying Pollutant Status of Coastal Waters
A regional assessment method has been developed to classify estuaries on the basis of their pollution severity, enabling resource managers to prioritize clean-up and future research efforts....

Albemarle-Pamlico Sounds: Issues, Resources, and Management (abstract)
The Albemarle-Pamlico Sound complex, located in northeastern North Carolina, is the third largest estuarine complex in North America and the second largest in area in the United States....

The Impact of Suburbanization on an Urban River
A case study of the impacts of suburbanization on the water quality of an urban river was completed to detail the various impacts of suburbanization on the culture, economy and environment...

Field Measurements of Landfill Surface Settlements
The Collier Road Landfill, located in southeast Michigan, has been accepting industrial and muncipal solid waste since the late 1960's. This existing landfill encompasses...

Engineering Aspects of Soil Erosion, Dispersive Clays and Loess
This collection of papers deals with selected engineering aspects of soil erosion, dispersive clays and loess. Two types of erosion are considered?surface and subsurface (piping)?with...

Design of Large Steam Turbine-Generator Foundations
This report is a guide for engineers who are responsible for the design and analysis of large turbine-generator foundations. A description of the various components of turbine-generator...

Density Currents in Clarifiers
This paper discusses internal flow regimes associated with the density currents due to diurnal heat loading. The reported studies were carried out with the aid of physical models....

Open Channel Flow Resistance in Horseshoe Conduits
An experimental study of open channel flow resistance in horseshoe-shaped conduits is reported. The friction factor is shown to increase approximately 20 percent in comparison to values...

Hydraulic Structures on Piles
Many hydraulic structures built in the early 1900's were founded on piles. Today, when these structures are analyzed as 'pile-supported', the analyses...

Optimal Design of Large Scale Water Distribution Systems
This paper presents a methodology for the design of least cost water distribution systems. The advantage of the formulation compared to the other techniques in the literature is that it...

Scour Prevention at Bridge Piers
Laboratory experiments are described in which attempts are made to eliminate local scour at bridge piers using submerged vanes and pier collar. The submerged vanes direct bed load toward,...

Composite Resistance to Flow With an Ice Cover
Recent data collected on several rivers in Michigan suggest, with only an ice cover present, that Manning's roughness ratio is constant at n//R equals 0. 65. If other ice...

Dimensional Analyses of Yellow River Sediment Data
A contemporaneous set of bed load and suspended load sediment transport data were analysed for three hydrologic stations on the Yellow River. There were a total of 82 bed load events,...

Mississippi River Sediment Load and Regime Equations
Data collected by the Corps of Engineers were used to evaluate the interaction of such parameters as river slope, suspended sediment load, channel geometry, and river discharge. Calculations...

Refined Modeling to Estimate Sediment Discharge
Numerical solution of the two-dimensional turbulent flow over a train of identical dunes is obtained with the Algebraic Stress Model for closure. The effective tractive force acting on...

Roughness Coefficients of Large Floods
Most hydraulic calculations of flow in channels and overbank areas require an evaluation of flow resistance generally expressed as Manning's roughness coefficient, n. Literature...

An Overview of Factors Affecting Land Application of Food Processing Wastes
The food processing industry can use slow rate, rapid infiltration or overland flow systems. Slow rate systems are the most common method used for land application. The limiting design...

Winery Wastewater Land Application
Winery wastewater is characterized by low pH, relatively high BOD, and a low nutrient content. Land application using rapid infiltration basins has been practiced successfully at a number...

CWSI and Stomatal Resistance of Cotton and Soybeans
A new instrument, Scheduler(TRADEMARK), has been developed to measure the onset and duration of plant water stress. This device consists of a sensor package (containing an infrared thermometer,...





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