Supply-Side Solutions
Although the crumbling bridge infrastructure has received much attention in the press and the engineering community over the past few years, the number of structurally deficient bridges...

Human Factors Engineering Program Plan for the Hanford Waste Vitrification Plant
The paper describes the overall human factors program plan while providing more specific information regarding the critical areas of criteria development, dispersed control areas and key...

Photogeologic Reconnaissance of X-Tunnel at Little Skull Mountain
An underground structure known as X-tunnel was investigated for the viability as an underground deep based missile system that included the capability to maintain survivability following...

Groundwater Impacts of Foreseeable Human Activities on a HLW Repository
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff has begun a program of Systematic Regulatory Analysis (SRA) to help ensure that all important technical issues related to the disposal of...

A Note on Physical Modeling Approach for Assessment of Excavation Techniques
With the growing interest in utilizing underground space, the need for quantitative and qualitative assessment of excavation techniques to dictate the best choice for mining is now becoming...

Role of Fracture Zones in Controlling Hydraulic Head and Groundwater Flow?Experience from Site Characterization Program in Finland
The preliminary site investigations for the final disposal of HLW produced by TVO have been carried out during 1987 - 1992 in five areas. All the areas consist of Precambrian crystalline...

Prioritization of ESF Testing and Integration with Design and Construction
The developmental strategy for underground site characterization testing in the Exploratory Studies Facility (ESF) of the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Program is outlined. The...

Modeling of the Ventilation for Emplacement Drift Re-Entry and Rock Drying
Different ventilation scenarios were analyzed for a hot repository with a 114 kw/Acre heat load, to determine the time required to cool a drift to the point where the temperature of the...

Structural Character of the Ghost Dance Fault, Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Detailed structural mapping of an area that straddles the southern part of the Ghost Dance Fault has revealed the presence of several additional subparallel to anastomosing faults. These...

Geohydrologic Data and Models of Rainier Mesa and Their Implications to Yucca Mountain
The geohydrologic data collected at Rainier Mesa provide the only extensive observations in tunnels presently available on flow and transport in tuff units similar to those of a potential...

Analyses of Natural Resources in 10 CFR Part 60 as Related to Inadvertent Human Intrusion
The purpose of this paper is to examine the intent of the regulatory language of the portions of 10 CFR Part 60 which deal with considerations of the natural resources of a proposed geologic...

1992: When Things Began to Move at Yucca Mountain
This paper examines progress made on the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project (YMP) during 1992 and continuing into 1993. In addition, it discusses and describes design work on...

The Results of Near-Field Thermal and Mechanical Calculations of Thermal Loading Schemes
Two waste emplacement schemes, borehole and in-drift, are under evaluation as potential repository drift geometries for the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project. Calculations were...

Human Factors Engineering Applications to the Cask Design Activities of the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program
The use of human factors engineering (HFE) in the design and use of spent fuel casks being developed for the Department of Energy's Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program is addressed....

A Systematic Human Factors Assessment of a Department of Energy Facility
This paper presents the methodology for conducting a systematic human factors assessment of the as-built configuration of buildings at the Rocky Flats Plant (RFP). In support of this effort,...

Optimizing Human Reliability: Mock-Up and Simulation Techniques in Waste Management
This presentation describes an ongoing effort to incorporate human factors principles into the design and process development for waste management programs at a nuclear weapons plant....

Safeguards and Security Issues at the MRS Facility
The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM) is responsible for disposing of the nation's high level radioactive waste in a way that ensures...

Structure of Crater Flat and Yucca Mountain, Southeastern Nevada, as Inferred from Gravity Data
Existing gravity data in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain and Crater Flat have been examined to determine if these data support only the caldera model or if they support other geologic models...

Geometric Analyses of Alternative Models of Faulting at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Realistic cross section tectonic models must be retrodeformable to geologically reasonable pre-deformation states. Furthermore, it must be shown that geologic structures depicted on cross...

Detachment Faults?Regulatory Implications for the Yucca Mountain Site
Site characterization investigations at the Yucca Mountain site, Nye County, Nevada consist of a combination of scientific data collection and analyses, and compliance with regulatory...





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