Sediment Transport Measurements in the Nile River at Bani Mazar
Measurements of sediment transport on the Nile River were conducted at Bani Mazar (200 km South of Cairo) during high and low water stages. Bed-load and suspended-load transport rates...

Hydraulic Aspects of Grade Control Structures
This paper describes the function of grade control structures. The primary purpose of a grade control structure is to maintain or establish a desired bed elevation in a channel. Basically...

Bed Load Roughness in Supercritical Flow
A supercritical concrete channel is proposed for Mission Creek located in Santa Barbara County, California. The proposed channel may transport gravels and cobbles as bed load during large...

Fluidization Pipe Hole Spacing
Two-dimensional fluidization experiments are performed on fine (d50 = 0.15 mm) and medium coarse (d50 = 0.45...

Design of Groins on the Middle Rio Grande
The Albuquerque Projects Office of the Bureau of Reclamation wanted to use groins in place of revetments at two sites on the Rio Grande. The Bureau of Reclamation has limited experience...

Incipient Motion Criteria Defining Safe Zones for Salmon Spawning Habitat
Approximately 70% of the City of Seattle's water supply is drawn from the Cedar River. Between 200,000 and 400,000 sockeye salmon spawn annually in this partially dewatered...

Existing U.S. Standards in Hydraulic Engineering
The Task Committee on Recommendations for Standards in Hydraulics confined itself to topics that are used in hydraulic computations or design. Thus numerous standards related to size,...

An Integrated Model for Fate and Transport of Oil in Rivers
An integrated oil spill model for microcomputers is developed for simulating fate and transport of spilled oil in rivers. This model can simulate the oil slick transformation in transient...

Numerical Model Development for Oil Spill Dispersion into the Marine Environment
A 3-D oil spill model was developed to study the behaviour of heavy spilled oil in the sea. The model could describe the behaviour on the spilled oil on the sea surface, throughout the...

A Study of Friction Factor for Flow in Gravel Bed Channels
For many years practicing engineers have faced the problem of predicting the resistance to flow in channels with rough surface. Flow in channel is a complex interaction between surface...

Calibration of Beni-Mazar Movable Bed Model
A sand-bed model representing a reach of the Nile River was constructed to study alternative solutions to maintaining the navigation channel. Flume tests were carried out first to determine...

Fluvial Recharge of Sand Mining Pit
Accuracy in modeling fluvial processes becomes increasingly important as development occurs along waterways. The FLUVIAL-12 (1, 2) model is used to simulate the recharge of sand mining...

Development of Standards for Slipform & Jumpform Works
Review of past work indicates substantial effort has been made to publish construction standards and guidelines for slipforms but published material pertaining to jumpforms is scarce....

Temporary Structures for Protection and Access
Temporary Structures in Construction Projects (TSC) are utilized for three (3) purposes A. Support (of the structure being built or adjacent structures or utilities) B. Protection (of...

Who Pays for the Unexpected in Construction
The problem of who pays for the unexpected in construction is discussed in relation to the testing and inspection of construction materials. Laboratory is often blamed for poor construction...

Construction Product Performance, The Unexpected
Efforts made in the construction, industry to increase the quality of the constructed facility through the development of new materials and systems and through the reduction of labor intensive...

The Virtual Design Team: An Object-Oriented Model of Information Sharing in Project Design Teams
The Virtual Design Team (VDT) is an object-oriented, discrete event simulation of a multidisciplinary design team in action. The VDT models a design task as a network of design and design...

Computer Data Exchange Using National and International Standards
There is a need within the construction industry to electronically transmit standard documents between designers, owners, contractors, and material suppliers. Ideally, the transmission...

Construction Inspection Responsibility from the Viewpoint of a General Contractor and Construction Manager on a GMP Project
Absent local laws to the contrary, any member of the construction team, the Owner, Architect, or Contractor, can theoretically arrange for and provide any testing and inspection that may...

Construction Technology/Method Identification and Selection System
The proliferation of construction technology and the characteristics of technology information, such as complexity, interdependency, etc., pose the need for a well-organized technology...





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