Aspects of Parallel Processing in Reservoir Simulation
Vectorization techniques have proved to be extremely effective for large-scale reservoir simulations. Parallel capabilities hold even greater potential for these enormous problems. Domain...

Seismic Wave Propagation by Finite Differences on the Connection Machine
Seismic modeling represents a difficult numerical challenge and consumes a significant amount of CPU time on the largest available supercomputers. With the advent of massively-parallel...

Energy Dissipation Characteristics of Rubber Cylinders
A simplified procedure for scaling the energy absorption characteristics of rubber cylinders during high speed impact is presented. Static and dynamic tests of scale model and full size...

Rate-Dependent Plasticity Representation for Energy-Absorbing Materials
A three dimensional rate-dependent plasticity constitutive model is developed for rigid polyurethane foams. In the model, the material is decomposed into skeleton and solid matrix from...

Cylindrical Shell Redesign by Large Admissible Perturbations
Redesign (or inverse design) is the problem of defining an objective structural State S2 from its specifications and the known baseline State S1. The large admissible perturbations approach...

The Control of Large Amplitude Liquid Sloshing with Moving Baffles
Numerical simulations of three-dimensional viscous liquid sloshing in rectangular containers were carried out using an improved volume of fluid technique in conjunction with the Navier-Stokes...

Wave Propagation in Fluid Loaded Periodic Structures
Periodic structures, such as rib stiffened plates or cylindrical shells, are frequently used as major structural components in naval and aerospace applications. For these applications,...

Landslide-Generated Waves in Reservoirs
This paper investigates surge waves generated by landslides in reservoirs. The Navier-Stokes equations with complete viscous conditions at the free surface are solved numerically for the...

Nonisothermal Viscoplasticity
A nonisothermal theory of viscoplasticity is formulated for a medium subjected to finite deformation. The basic system of equations consists of the laws of conservation of linear and angular...

Numerical Implementation of Nonlocal Elastoplastic Damage Theory
A nonlocal elastoplastic damage theory recently proposed by Valanis (1992) is implemented into a finite element wave code. The model retains hyperbolicity even under strain softening,...

Relationships Between Error Estimation and Adaptive Computations in Strain Localization
In this work, the a posteriori error estimates and the h mesh refinement techniques using hierarchical finite element shape functions are tailored for numerical simulations of strain localization...

On the Bifurcation of Elasto-Plastic Crystals During Multiple Slip
Conditions for the localization of deformation in elasto-plastic crystals experiencing multiple slip are discussed using multisurface plasticity theory. In particular, some important characteristics...

Geoelectrical Tomography: Model Studies Related to Nuclear Waste Site Characterization
Borehole geoelectrical measurements offer a promising means for detecting and delineating resistivity anomalies in candidate geological formations being considered for underground storage...

Water Wave Generated by a Porous Wavemaker
A vertical porous wavemaker sitting in an infinitely long channel of constant depth is studied. The wavemaker performs horizontal oscillatory motion. A simplified analytical approach for...

Dynamic Response of an Infinite Beam Supported by a Fluid
The objective of this study is to investigate the dynamic response of an infinite beam supported by a fluid on one side, and subjected to dynamic loading on the other side. The fluid underneath...

Computation of Wind Pressures on L-Shaped Buildings
The paper refers to the numerical simulation of turbulent wind conditions around an arbitrarily-shaped building composed of two rectangular blocks. The time-averaged Navier-Stokes equations...

Two-Dimensional Statistical Micromechanical Models for Microcracked Brittle Solids
Recent development undertaken by the authors in two-dimensional statistical micromechanical models for brittle solids with randomly located interacting microcracks is presented. Overall...

The Initiation of Bifurcations and Localization in Damaging Materials
Criteria for diffuse and discontinuous bifurcations have previously been developed and used to investigate the initiation of necking and localization in elastic-plastic materials. In this...

Softening Models for Concrete: Stability and Uniqueness
A microstructurally-based, numerically oriented, fracture-induced softening model for concrete is presented. Rate-dependent evolution equations for microcrack nucleation, growth, and coalescence...

Basic Aspects of Damage Mesomodelling
The basic aspects of a general damage computational approach which enable to simulate the complete fracture phenomenon are presented. It is a semi-discrete modelling where the material,...





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