Numerical Simulation of Mudflows from the Hypothetical Failure of a Debris Blockage Lake Below Mount St. Helens, WA
This paper evaluates the characteristics of mudflow events resulting from the hypothetical breaching of a debris blockage dam using a variety of lake levels and impounded water volumes...

Some Aspects of the Mechanism of Debris Flow
As the first step of the development of a general two-phase flow model for debris flows, a simple granular model, which is considered as a special case of the two-phase flow model, is...

Predicting Stream Width and Bank Retreat
The width of streams is dependent on the flood flow discharge which varies from year to year, the bank material which varies from stream to stream and reach to reach, the sediment load...

Watershed Modeling of The Western Coast Wadis of Egypt
The main goal of this paper is to present the water resources assessment from both surface and ground-water resvoirs of the western coast watersheds in Egypt. Two submodels were used for...

Longitudinal Surface Profiles of Granular Debris Flows
Longitudinal surface profiles of granular material flowing down an inclined plane were studied by means of theoretical analysis and laboratory experiments. There are two driving forces...

Model of Deposition of Grains from Debris Flow
Rapid deposition of grains from debris flow occurs in a channel whose slope angle decreases abruptly. A model of the deposition is presented on the basis of experiments and theoretical...

Multiple Phenomena of Debris-Flow Processes: A Challenge for Hazard Assessments
Hazardous hydraulic processes associated with arid environments commonly repesent significant risks to the safety of the public. However, the public generally considers these risks to...

Recurrence of Debris Flows on an Alluvial Fan in Central Utah
In the spring of 1983 a large debris flow occurred in the drainage of Birch Creek, near Fountain Green in central Utah. During the debris-flow activity, a new channel was incised into...

Design Cloudburst and Flash Flood Methodology for the Western Mojave Desert, California
A methodology was required for estimating flow in ungaged drainages. An analysis of floods in the western Mojave Desert showed that the largest events on basins below 1,500 meters MSL...

Precipitation Simulation Model for Mountainous Areas
This study investigated the use of the Markov chain-mixed exponential (MCME) model as a means of obtaining synthetic daily precipitation amounts at a site, based on knowledge of the mean...

Structural Control of Ground-Water Induced Debris Flows
A number of case studies have attributed debris flow initiation to the effect of elevated pore pressure from a bedrock ground-water source. Debris flows on slopes underlain by Precambrian...

Initiation and Laws of Motion of Debris Flow
The mechanism of initiation and laws of motion of debris flow are studied experimentally, by allowing water or clay muds, with different clay concentrations and at different flow rates,...

Geomorphology and Sedimentology of a Valley Fan, Southern Utah
Sink Valley, located in semi-arid west-central Kane County, Utah, lies on an erosional surface of Cretaceous age Tropic Shale. The valley contains an example of a previously undocumented...

Experimental Investigation of Density-Driven Hyperconcentrated Flows
Lock-exchange type of laboratory experiments have been conducted in order to evaluate the dynamical characteristics of density-driven hyperconcentrated fluid mud. Fluid mud, confined in...

Activation and Degeneration of Turbidity Currents
Flow properties of the front of a turbidity current are investigated using the two layers model which takes into account of pick up and deposition of sediment. The amount of pick up rate...

Resistance Consisting of Both Viscous Force and Dispersive Force
A set of specially designed experiments have been carried for studying the resistance of a flow consisting of water and both fine and coarse particles. The viscous force caused by fine...

Limit Concentration of Suspended Sediment
It is found from experiments that there is a limit on suspended sediment concentration. The limit concentration of uniform sediment varies with sediment diameter, and it is about 1000...

Sediment Transport Characteristics of Hyperconcentrated Flow with Suspended Load
In this paper, based on the analysis of the ovserved data, a set of theories is proposed of the transport of heper-concentrated sediment, the basic points of which are: (1) The hyperconcentrated...

A Mathematical Model of Erosion and Sedimentation of Hyperconcentrated Flow in Reservoirs
The motion of the flow with hyperconcentration has its unique law. In this paper, based on the analysis of the motion of the flow with hyperconcentration of sediment and the sediment transport...

Arid Zone Hydrologic Implications for the Proposed Yucca Mountain Repository
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has chosen Yucca Mountain, Nevada for characterization to determine if it is suitable to become the Nation's first High-Level Radioactive...





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