Short-Term Versus Long-Term Pipe Ring Stiffness in the Design of Buried Plastic Sewer Pipes
It is often discussed which pipe ring stiffness should be used when designing the long-term deflection of buried plastic sewer pipes; the short-term value or the long-term value? As the...

Case Histories of Sulfide Corrosion
Section 522 of the Water Quality Act of 1987 requires the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to conduct a study of sulfide corrosion and control options in collection and treatment...

Advances in Trenchless Sewer System Reconstruction
The new developments and refinements in trenchless reconstruction technologies now permit total sewer system rebuilding of collectors, interceptors, manholes, service laterals, and force...

Review of PIM (Pipeline Insertion Method) Technology
The U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (USACERL) conducted the first demonstration of PIM (Pipeline Insertion Method, formerly Pipe Insertion Machine) technology for...

Investigation & Rehabilitation of Seattle's Tolt Pipeline
Seattle Water Department's Tolt Pipeline brings water 24 miles from storage in the Cascade Mountains into city and suburban distribution systems. Twenty-three miles of this...

Column Separation in Pumped Pipelines
Pressure transients are common occurrences in water supply systems. Pipeline standards and design/testing techniques will normally provide sufficient protection for transmission and distribution...

Comprehensive Leak Detection Survey and Benefit/Cost Analysis
Fort Carson, Colorado was the site of a comprehensive leak detection investigation of the potable water system with the express purpose of quantifying the benefits to be derived by a military...

Pipeline Leak Detection and Location
A real time pipeline leak detection and location system has been developed. This system consists of a numerical model for transient flow, two sets of pressure and flow measurement equipment,...

Valve Control to Avoid Column Separation in a Pipe
Maximum pressures in a pipeline can be reduced significantly by closing the valve in an optimal manner. Such an optimal valve closure policy may result in some situations in minimum pressures...

Stress Relaxation Characteristics of the HDPE Pipe-Soil System
All piping materials and soils are subject to viscoelastic behavior such as stress relaxation and creep. The combination of soil and pipe viscoelastic properties determine the time-dependent...

In-Situ Evaluation of 30-In. (762-mm) Diameter Prestressed Concrete Lined-Cylinder Pipeline
The results of an extensive investigation to evaluate the in-service condition and future serviceability of an existing lake water make-up pipeline are briefly described herein. The pipeline...

Combined Load Testing of Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe
A series of combined load tests were run on prestressed concrete cylinder pipe in order to evaluate a proposed new method of design for pipe made to AWWA Standard C301. These tests involved...

Innovative Concept for Prestressed Pressure Pipe
A new design and manufacturing concept was developed by General Atomics for prestressed pressure pipe. With this new concept, patented in the U.S. and in the major industrialized nations,...

Geometrical Nonlinearity in Offshore Pipelines
Pipelines are very flexible structural systems which are subjected to various boundary conditions. For instance, during the laying process, the pipes roll on the guidance tracks on the...

Next Stop: The Los Angeles Metro Rail
The Los Angeles Metro Rail is a $6.5 billion light and heavy rail system, which may be entirely completed by the year 2000. A 22 mi segment of the 150 mi light rail system, connecting...

Whatever Happened to Long-Term Bridge Design?
The Chairman of the Board of one of the leading engineering firms in the nation ponders the future of American bridges. In today's designing of bridges, Thomas R. Kuesel points...

Seam Examination
Charron discusses the importance of seam sampling in geomenbrane installation. In 1988, about 30 million mi of polyethylene geomembranes were used to line landfills, liquid impoundments,...

Design of Ductile Iron Pipe on Supports
Design procedures for ductile iron pipe in normal underground service have been well established. The standard design considers hoop stresses in the pipe wall due to internal hydrostatic...

Performance of Pipe Spillways for Dams
The Soil Conservation Service has used several different kinds of pipe products for spillway conduits of dams. Materials with a shorter estimated life are used for smaller low hazard dams...

Failure of Prestressed Concrete Embedded Cylinder Pipe
In 1964, the Ontario Provincial Government undertook to supply water to the City of London (current population 300,000). The supply source was from Lake Huron near Grand Bend, Ontario...





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