Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers 1984
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers Vol. 149, 1984 contains abstracts for all ASCE journal papers and technical notes,...

ASCE Cumulative Index to ASCE Publications 1980-1984
It covers all the journal papers, Civil Engineering magazine articles, conference papers, and books from 1980 to 1984....

ASCE Annual Combined Index 1984
The 1984 ASCE Annual Combined Index provides a guide to materials appearing in publications of ASCE published during 1984. This includes papers and technical notes from ASCE technical...

Journal of Management in Engineering
The Journal of Management in Engineering offers an avenue for researchers and practitioners to present contemporary issues associated with management and leadership for the civil engineer. The journal...

Assessing the Effects of Water Contamination
The threats to potable water are examined. An assessment of human ill effects of contaminated water requires a knowledge of the quality of water throughout the world and a corresponding...

Organizational Implications for Financing Constructed Facilities
The ownership arrangements for constructed facilities not only can generate the capital for new facilities but also will influence the management of the construction and operation of these...

Limited Field Inspection vs. Public Safety
The traditional role of the design engineer in providing field inspection services has been an important component of public safety in the construction industry. The various aspects of...

Social and Environmental Objectives in Water Resources Planning and Management
The nation's goals for water programs and projects must be clearly understood by engineers. This report describes the process of identifying social, economic and environmental...

Help with Permits In One Stop
New Jersey State Government has developed a system which enables practicing engineers to identify and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements for a specific project. Publication...

Roofed with the worlds largest diameter wood dome at 530 ft., the Tacoma Dome, a multi-purpose sports and convention center has helped revitalize a blighted part of that Washington state...

Economics of Groundwater-Pumping Level Statutes
Pumping from one well may lower the water table in another to the point where pumping from it becomes unfeasible. Problems exist in allocating the increased costs of pumping caused by...

Planning and Management of Disposal Areas
Passage of the Clean Water Act of 1977 required federal agencies to obtain either water quality certification or a waiver from the state for the discharge of dredged or fill material into...

The Maryland Dredge and Fill Permit Process Handbook
Safe navigation in the waters of the State of Maryland is made possible, in part, by the continued maintenance dredging of the State's many ports and waterways. Dredging projects...

Confined Disposal in the Canadian Great Lakes
The dredging activities of Public Works Canada, Ontario Region, extend over most of the Canadian Great Lakes thereby significantly impacting on its environment. The paper presents a brief...

Need for Long-Term Planning for Dredged Material Containment
The biological, chemical and physical integrity of our nations waters are protected, in part, by the provisions of the Clean Water Act. This Act provided for the development of guidelines...

Dredging Guidelines for the Great Lakes
The International Working Group on the Abatement and Control of Pollution from Dredging Activities was established in November 1972 in compliance with the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement....

Regulation: The Unsolved Dilemma
Over the years, the impact of governmental regulatory agencies has severely restricted industrial and commercial development in southern New Jersey. Recent Federal reviews of these regulations...

Cooperative Maintenance Dredging: a Strategy for Small Harbors
In a response to the continuing overall significance of harbor activities and the recognition of less than optimal existing harbor maintenance procedures, the feasibility of a cooperative...

Environmental Legislation Impact on the Port of New York and New Jersey
Environmental legislation since 1972 has resulted in an extensive evaluation of dredged material disposal alternatives for New York Harbor navigation projects. Consideration has been given...

After Industry Capability Program
This paper presents information on the dredging work split between the government and industry since the end of the Industry Capability Program (ICP) in Fiscal Year 1981. A long-term look...





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