CM Certification and Registration
As currently practiced, the construction management system involves a team of the owner, design professional, and construction manager. The peer relationship to team members, nature of...

A Review of Current Contract Documents
Three separate industry groups have published contract documents to be used with the construction management project delivery system. The documents parallel each other in certain respects,...

Requirements of a High Technology Owner
The requirements of a high technology owner are best represented by a set of expectations and goals that are needed to achieve a certain business plan. There are extreme time pressures...

Structural Engineering for High Technology Clients
The unique requirements of the high tech industry provide interesting and fascinating challenges to the structural engineer of the 1980's. The following is a list of the most...

Design of High-Technology Facilities from the Vibration Standpoint
High-technology facilities, such as those used for the production of integrated circuits or for optics research, generally require extremely limited vibration environments. Suitable precautions...

Static and Dynamic Analysis of Highrise Buildings on Microcomputers
The author's experience in conducting static and dynamic analyses of three-dimensional multistory buildings on microcomputers using the tier building model and the method...

Graphics Based Preliminary Structural Design
During preliminary design, alternative structural configurations are explored and one or more alternatives are selected for further consideration. During analysis, a structural configuration...

Subdivider: Advanced Subdivision Design with the IBM-PC
SUBDIVIDER is an IBM-PC program which aids engineers in the process of dividing tracts of land into lots, streets, and building floor plans. It can be used for the design of traditional...

Knowledge Bases for Multistory Concrete Buildings
Heuristics are used in the concrete building industry. A knowledge base is developed with heuristics used in the selection of the floor framing system of a concrete building....

Advanced Microcomputer Simulation for Construction Managers
The concept of simulation allows the analysis of complex and dynamic systems such as those encountered in construction operations. In particular, the technology orientation of construction...

The Engineering Workstation at Skidmore, Owings & Merrill
The computer group at Skidmore, Owings & Merrill has developed a unique workstation environment which aids both the generation of information in the design phase, as well as the...

Microcomputer-Based Engineering Expert Systems
Expert systems may be developed by programming an inference mechanism and knowledge representation module, or by using commercially available expert system building tools (shells). The...

How Do I Find the Information I Needed Yesterday?
One reason that the professional has not been more effective in learning from failures is that the information disseminated has not always reached the right people. The Architecture and...

The Charles River Project
The Charles River Project received the 1984 Presidential Award for Design Excellence in Architecture, Engineering, and Urban Planning. Sited between Charlestown and Boston's...

Solving Complex Urban Design Problems
Waterfront redevelopment projects under construction today should be a designer's dream. They offer an opportunity to apply a unified, large-scale vision to unusually large...

The River Walks of San Antonio Move to Providence
At the historic heart of Providence, Rhode Island, three rivers divide the city into three areas. Nearly one mile of river corridors have been abused over the last century, resulting in...

Reflections on Racine's Rebound
The existing harbor in Racine has approximately 110 acres of water surface bounded on the north and south side by one-half -mile long concrete breakwaters and on the west by the city....

Techniques for Rapid Assessment of Seismic Vulnerability
Under the impetus of a growing awareness of seismic hazards, there is an increasing effort being devoted to assessing the seismic vulnerability of existing buildings. For many professionals...

Evaluation and Upgrading of Wood Structures
Case Studies
The need to evaluate and upgrade existing wood structures stems from concerns of safety and serviceability. These concerns are caused for a variety of reasons which include plans for continued...

The Rise of the Tall Building
The development of the high-rise frame in the U.S. was the result of a collision of many factors. The destruction of Chicago in the great fire of 1871 was one major factor in the start...





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