Affordable Financing?The Crux of Affordable Housing
The improvement of housing affordability through innovation in design and construction has been paid an insufferable amount of lip service by the academics. The fact is that very little...

Housing Opportunity or Social Engineering Implementing the Jobs-Housing Relationship?The Town of Wellington Experience
The proposed Town of Wellington project in Palm Beach County, Florida, was planned based on the needs related to the jobs-housing relationship identified in the area. The conditions placed...

Risk Assessment or Engineering Standards: Toward a Decision Framework
The Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) publishes manuals, some of which include rules to be followed in the planning of a water resources project. Some of their other manuals simply suggest...

Responding to Public Opinion About Cumulative Long-Term Risks: Analysis and Communication of Risks from Climate Change and Hazardous Waste Sites
Public reactions to cumulative, uncertain, and long-term (CULT) risks pose particular problems to risk communicators. Low-magnitude and low-probability risks (e.g., living next to a hazardous...

Moving Toward a Probability-Based Risk Analysis of the Benefits and Costs of Major Rehabilitation Projects
By the year 2010, 77% of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's projects will be over 40 years old. The Corps wants to allocate its scarce rehabilitation funds in a cost-effective manner. To...

Remediation Site Prioritization by the Risk Ranking and Filtering Method
The risk ranking and filtering (RRF) method, developed for ranking critical components of the NASA Space Shuttle, is a possible framework for the prioritization of hazardous-waste sites...

Reliability-Based Specification for Engineered Wood Construction
A three-year, industry-sponsored effort has resulted in the development of a reliability-based, load and resistance factor design (LRFD) Specification for wood construction. Improvements...

Load Duration and System Effects in LRFD for Wood Construction
The wood industry is developing a Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) speciification for wood construction using probabilistic concepts. An analysis based on statistical models for...

International Harmonization of Reliability-Based Timber Engineering Design Codes
An overview is presented on reliability-based timber design code activities in various major timber producing and consuming countries. The overview is based on information generated through...

Serviceability Analysis of Wood Beams with Creep
The effect of creep deformations on the serviceability reliability of single, dimension lumber wood beams is examined. A viscoelastic stress-strain relationship is used to model the time-dependent...

Experimental Study of the Transient Temperature Distributions in Concrete
A small scale, preliminary experimental effort to quantify the randomness of the thermal diffusivity of concrete has been undertaken. Two sets of cylinders have been instrumented with...

Quantifying Uncertainty in Site Characterization
The uncertainties in determining the true geologic conditions at the proposed high-level nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada needed to be determined as part of the Exploratory...

Fabric Related Probabilistic Model for Granular Materials
A new anisotropic noncoaxial incremental constitutive model for granular materials (Jahedi et al., 1990) was developed, in which a Fabric reconstruction factor '?+',...

An Advanced First-Order Method for System Reliability
This paper proposes an iterative first-order method for accurate estimation of the joint failure region of two nonlinear limit states. Current methods use either a first-order approach...

Construction Loads on Floors: Results of a Survey
A survey of post-shorting construction loads on floors of multi-storey buildings is described. The estimated parameters of a probabilistic model of the peak (transient) loads are reported....

A Two-Stage Safety Assessment Methodology for Construction Activities
The control of construction activities requires the evaluation of the condition of the control attributes of interest. In order to develop the required methodology, a model of the construction...

Tapping Shallow Groundwater with Horizontal Wells
In recent years, horizontal wells have become an economical water supply source alternative for many shallow water table areas in Florida. Horizontal wells typically utilize 15 to 20 cm...

Holistic Approach to Irrigation Management in Developing Countries
Sound development of irrigation and drainage projects in developing countries is a continuing need to reduce hunger, environmental degradation and excess population growth; and to promote...

Metrication of Construction?A Message to the American Society of Civil Engineers
The author discusses the reasons for metrication of the U.S. construction industry, describes the Canadian experience in this area, and outlines the necessary steps to alleviate the metrication...

A Monumental Task
The geotechnical consultants, structural engineer and contractor combined to overcome difficult soils, underground subway structures and buried utilities when building the foundations...





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