Underwater Testing in the Development of EVA Support Systems
The ability to simulate realistic zero-g conditions on Earth is of prime importance in determining if various orbital operations associated with extravehicular activity (EVA) can actually...

Brighter Future for Stay Cables
Corrosion problems on cable stayed bridges can be prevented, according to several engineers who responsed to Cables in Trouble, a Civil Engineering article that appeared in the April 1988...

Weathering Steel: Industry's Stepchild
Improper location and poor detailing are two reasons why some weathering steel bridges are not living up to their early promise. That was the consensus reached during a July 1988 forum...

Recycling Bridges
Faced with the statistics showing that more than half of our bridges have fallen into a state of disrepair, bridge engineers have coined a phrase from the lexicon of conservationists to...

Program to Reduce Deicing Chemical Usage
Over the years (since about 1948), the dependency on deicing chemicals has been increased to provide 'bare pavement' for safe and efficient winter transportation....

AASHTO Design Concepts
The AASHO Road Test of 1958-60 grew out of a need to quantify the effects of increasingly heavier axle and gross loads and varying wheel load configurations on the performance of this...

What Will Happen to Local Rural Roads and Bridges
Much of the local rural road and bridge system was not designed for the heavy trucks and farm equipment that are currently using the system. The system will continue to deteriorate unless...

Advanced Heavy Vehicle Management Systems
This paper describes a program designed to bring to bear emerging technologies in an integrated system to facilitate heavy vehicle management (HVM). One major initiative is the Heavy Vehicle...

Advanced Vehicle Command and Control System
The Advanced Vehicle Command and Control System (AVCCS) is being developed to solve capacity problems on major urban highways using automation and current technology. The objective of...

Roadside Safety Design for the Micro-Mini Vehicles
This paper summarizes the results of a study to evaluate the impact performance of widely used roadside safety elements for a 1,500 lb vehicle and to identify potential modifications that...

CARTS: Next Generation in Vehicle Safety Research
The California Automotive Research Test Site (CARTS), is a new joint test facility for use by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the University of California at...

Application in the 21st Century of Today's Technology in Resolving Congestion
Traffic engineers of the 21st century will have a number of new tools to attack traffic congestion. High technology solutions will begin to emerge as means of increasing the effectiveness...

Future Driver and Vehicle Characteristics and Their Influence on Highway Design for Safety
Both driver and vehicle characteristics are changing, and these characteristics will continue to change into the 21st century. The purpose of this paper is to identify the major changes...

Building Bridges the Old Way
Cast-in-place concrete bridges built on falsework, particularly post-tensioned box girders, are California's dominant structure type. Factors which have led to the popularity...

Are the Soil Depositions in Mexico City Unique?
The answer clearly is: YES| However, the amplification and soil-structure interaction effects observed in Mexico City are important considerations - even if they may not be so severe -in...

Soil-Structure Interaction in Mexico City During the 1985 Earthquakes
The effects of the flexibility of the soil and the foundation on the seismic response of structures, by opposition to clear foundation failures, cannot be easily identified from a simple...

Effects on Infrastructure
Effects on the transportation and communications infrastructure due to the earthquakes of September 19 and 20 are described and analyzed. It can be concluded that these effects were actually...

Emergency Regulations and the New Building Code
The 1942 Federal District Building Code was crude and overoptimistic. The 1957 earthquake prompted the drafting of emergency regulations, modern and more realistic. They evolved into the...

Bridge Design By 1-2-3
MULTBEAM, a Lotus 1-2-3 template, can be used to analyze simple-span, multigirder steel highway bridge superstructures. Since it was developed for in house use by Sverdrup Corp., this...

Federal-State Conflicts & A 12-Mile Territorial Sea
The growing tension between coastal states and the federal government can be lessened by amending the 1953 Submerged Lands Act to give coastal states a 12-mile territorial sea. For equitable...





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