Fishery Issues Slow Boardman River Redevelopment
At issue was the requirement of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service to require the establishment of fish ladders at the hydro sites....

Small-Hydro Development and Public Decisionmaking
This paper is based on a larger study (Soden, 1985), and employs concepts distilled from public choice theory - an increasingly well-accepted approach to the study of public policy and...

Determination of the Effects of Multiple Small-Scale Hydroelectric Projects on Resources in a California River Basin: A Matrix Approach
In 1983, Section 306 of the Energy and Water Appropriation Act required the FERC to conduct a comprehensive water resource analysis in the Upper San Joaquin River Basin, California. A...

Wilderness Hydrometeorological Study in the Colorado River Basin: A Case Study in Natural Resource Conflict Resolution
This paper describes the formation and progress of the Interagency Committee on Wilderness Hydrometeorological Data Collection (ICWHDC). It highlights how the ICWHDC is attempting to resolve...

Study of River Stage Fluctuations Resulting from Possible Operations of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project
Operation of the project to follow load may result in discharge and river stage fluctuations which could affect habitats and fish food sources. Limitations on hourly, daily, and weekly...

Assessment of Probable Fishery Impacts of Hydroelectric Development at Lock and Dam No. 26 (Replacement), Mississippi River
Early coordination with affected Federal and state agencies allowed completion of an Environmental Assessment for a hydroelectric plant proposed for Lock and Dam No. 26 (Replacement)....

Salmon Restoration: Blessing, Bane or Boondoggle?
The 'strategic' plans for the Atlantic Salmon Restoration Program were examined to determine what the strategy of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service is for this...

U.S.-China's Cooperation in Unified Resource Development
This paper reports on activities between China and the United States involving exchange of technical expertise and project development. The paper focuses on how unified resource development...

HydroMAX; Computerized Hydropower Scheduling
The New England Power Exchange (NEPEX) is currently using the HydroMAX Program to schedule daily hydropower operations for the 17 stations in the 11,250 square mile Connecticut River Basin....

Modeling a Real-Time Reservoir Operation for Hydropower Resources Analysis
This paper deals with modeling the operation of two reservoirs in tandem in order to determine energy gain at the downstream plant due to the regulation provided by the upstream reservoir....

Water Availability for Energy Development in the Upper Colorado River Basin
The Bureau of Reclamation is investigating, for planning purposes through hydrologic determination, the total allowable depletion level in the Upper Colorado River Basin. The Colorado...

Simulation of River Ice Processes on Alaska's Susitna River
A numerical river ice model is applied to an 85-mile reach of Alaska's Susitna River immediately downstream of the proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project. The model is designed...

Riverbank Stability and Monitoring at Grand Coulee Dam
The capability for hydroelectric power generation at Grand Coulee Dam was substantially increased following construction of the third powerplant in the mid 1970s. Increased river fluctuations...

U.S./PRC Cooperation on the Three Gorge Project
The Three Gorge Project is the keystone project in developing and using the Yangtze River. It is located on the main stem of the Yangtze River, about 40 km upstream from the Gezhouba Project...

Long Term Performance of the Goldstream Creek Bridge
In 1964 the Alaska Department of Transportation and the U. S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory initiated a cooperative study which in the long-term generated a significant...

Arctic Stream Scour: A Case History
A small arctic stream on the North Slope of Alaska was monitored through one hydrologic cycle. The flow rate of the stream and the progress of its erosion through a breach into an adjacent...

Frazil Ice Problems in Intakes at Montreal
Intakes located in reaches of the St. Lawrence River that stay open all winter can be subjected to frazil ice formation for nearly three months. The City of Montreal intake is a key example...

Upper Delaware River Ice Control?A Case Study
During February 1981 a castastrophic breakup ice jam occurred along a reach of the Delaware River near Port Jervis, NY, causing 14. 5 million in damages. In February 1982 another breakup...

Landslide Dammed Lakes at Mount St. Helens, Washington
The collapse of the north face of Mount St. Helens on May 18, 1980, and the debris avalanche that resulted blocked outflow from Spirit Lake and Coldwater and South Fork Castle Creeks....

Engineering Implications of Impoundment of the Indus River by an Earthquake-Induced Landslide
Historical records and physical evidence indicate that in the Himalayas of northern Pakistan a huge landslide dam was caused by an earthquake in 1840. The dam blocked the Indus River,...





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