Effects of Selective Withdrawal and Hypolimnetic Releases on Downstream Fish Resources
Selective withdrawal (multilevel outlet) structures on dams can be operated to modify reservoir discharges with the goal of improving downstream water quality and fish resources. A study...

The Role of Hydrologic Forecasts and Water Management in Support of Fisheries Enhancement
With the passage of the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act of 1980 and the adoption of the Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program in 1982, a new mandate...

Reservoir Releases Improvements?Requiem for Integrating Pollution Control and Resource Management Programs?
To better define the interrelationships between economic growth and development, pollution control, and water resource management, TVA conducted two studies that examined how reservoir...

Instream Flow Values and Power Production
An approach relating the value of water instream to water flow in the stream results in a continuous function of value versus flow. This function is developed using the Physical Habitat...

Water Management for Juvenile Fish Passage
The regional goal of restoring upriver runs of adult salmon and steelhead requires increased survival of the juvenile fish migrating to the ocean. Juvenile fish survival requires: (1)...

Determination of Values of Project Storage for Hydropower Scheduling
The Columbia River is characterized by multiple and sometimes conflicting uses, and its basin extends over many political jurisdictions. To balance pluralistic needs and authorities with...

Marketing Power in the Pacific Northwest
The marketing of power in the Pacific Northwest is a process intimately tied to the management of the Columbia River system. This paper describes the characteristics of the river and transmission...

Simulation of Irrigation and Reservoir Water Use
Computer simulation of irrigation water use and corresponding downstream reservoir operation has been developed for the Canyon Ferry Reservoir on the Missouri River in Southwestern Montana....

Cedar Falls Project?Major Rehabilitation
This paper presents planning objectives and operational considerations which governed the design and construction of a major rehabilitation project implemented at the City of Seattle's...

Bureau of Reclamation Uprating Program
The Bureau of Reclamation is an agency of the Department of the Interior and was established in 1902 to oversee the development and conservation of the Nation's water resources...

The Stanley Canyon Conduit Hydroelectric Project
The Stanley Canyon Hydroelectric Project is an excellent example of the maximum use of a natural resource. The project is a combined water supply and hydroelectric facility which received...

Planning, Design and Cost Estimates for RCC Dams
Engineers, planners, and officials of agencies responsible for developing water resource projects are confronted with preparing preliminary designs and cost estimates for dams. This paper...

Irrigation-Induced Contamination Problems
At the Kesterson National Wildlife Refuge in the San Joaquin Valley of California, severe fish and wildlife problems (waterfowl mortality, embryonic deformities, and reproductive failures)...

A Simple Nonpoint Source Groundwater Quality Management Model
A model is examined which efficiently produces information required by decision makers to assess water quality tradeoffs associated with alternative groundwater protection strategies,...

Tidewater Virginia's Water Supply Problem: Implications for State Water Management
Attempts to expand water supply in response to continuing urban growth in Virginia's Tidewater region has produced prolonged conflict among the area's local governments...

Regional Water Cooperation: An Alternative to Interbasin Transfer
Due to political and environmental impacts interbasin transfer is often regarded as an undesirable alternative for water supply development. However, water authorities will pursue interbasin...

Conflict Over Urban Water: An Economic Perspective
Water conflicts in the East are associated primarily with infrequent proposals by public water systems to move water across political boundaries. Also, most conflicts arise among political...

Socio-Economic Issues in Financing Water Resources Development Compared to Non-Structural Alternatives
Like the hydrologic cycle, financing water resources development requires a holistic view of the technical, legal, institutional (social and economic) factors before alternative selection....

An Operations Advisor for Regional Water Management
The application of artificial intelligence techniques was evaluated for implementation for water control structure operations at the South Florida Water Management District. After an analysis...

Design of the Oasis Advisory System
Once the decision was made to develop an advisory system for the operation of water control structures within the South Florida Water Management District, a schedule of activities leading...





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