Implications of Nitrogen Transport by the Okanagan River
The long-term mean of total nitrogen load estimated in the river channel above the inlet to Skaha Lake is 906 lb day** minus **1. The apportionment of ammonia and nitrate plus nitrite...

Utopia Under Glass
We stand within sight of the day when our reserves of fossils fuel will be inadequate to maintain the type of energy inefficient cities we have grown used to. This exercise in urban planning...

Earthwork and Resource Estimation on Large Expedient Projects
A computer-aided technique is being developed for planning, design, estimating, and scheduling of horizontal construction for facilities required to support military operations. This technique...

Alterations to Old Wood Building
In order to accommodate a new use, a request was made to remove bearing walls supporting the roof of a 42 year-old building and substitute timber posts. The existing nine-foot ceiling...

Seismic Risk Analysis of a Multi-Site Portfolio of Buildings
A discussion of a methodology that permits the assessment of the seismic risk associated with a group of buildings and incorporates relevant aspects of seismic hazard assessment including...

Seismic Design of Braced Steel Frames
Seismic behavior of a six-story, K-braced structure without backup ductile moment-resisting frames designed according to the current Uniform Building Code is studied in this paper. The...

Study of the Collapse of a Reinforced Concrete Model Structure Under Simulated Earthquake Motion
The collapse, under simulated earthquake motion, of a multistory r/c frame structure with columns flexurally weaker than beams (SBWC) is studied. A small-scale model, comprising parallel...

Water Project Design and Safety: Prospects for Use of Risk Analysis in Public Sector Organizations
After offering some initial definitions, the authors will describe a highly structured model of risk analysis and water resources decision making in the public sector. The primary emphasis...

Factory Chic
Developers of the International Design Center of New York have recently spent $163 million to convert an unused chewing gum factory and a former battery plant into a showcase for New York...

Capitol Hill Infrastructure Advice
The National Public Works Improvement Council must report to President Reagan and the Congress by early 1987 on ways to maintain and improve the nation's infrastructure. One...

Building a Bridge Within a Bridge
The City of Grand Rapids had to replace an aging bridge connecting vital commercial centers on opposite sides of Michigan's Grand River. The city's consultants...

Rehabbing for Reuse
Case histories of four building rehabilitation projects highlight special challenges to their structural engineers. The Lits Building, Philadelphia, is a collection of eight structures...

A Study of Exterior Facades?Problems and Solutions
The quality of the exterior facades of a building is important to maintaining aesthetic image, protecting the interior environment from infiltration of heat, cold, moisture, wind, and...

The Basics of Water-Resistant Brick Walls
Water-resistant masonry walls of burned clay or shale brick are the result of a conscious effort to produce them, by everyone involved in their creation. Furthermore, owner maintenance...

The Metropolitan Boston Area Earthquake Loss Study
This study develops an inventory of critical facilities in the Metropolitan Boston area and analyzes the impact of a project earthquake (Cape Ann Event) on their structural integrity and...

Structural Design of the Defense Waste Processing Facility
The Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF) is designed to process radioactive defense waste sludge and the radioactive nuclides, cesium and stronium, from the salt solution. These radioactive...

A Generic Design for On-Site Low Level Radioactive Waste Storage
This paper describes a generic design for an on-site low level radioactive waste storage facility. The generic design encompases the development of design criteria including an envelope...

Building Arrangement and Site Layout Design Guides for On Site Low Level Radioactive Waste Storage Facilities
This paper will discuss a typical storage facility and address the design considerations and operational aspects that are generally overlooked when designing and siting a low level radioactive...

The Origin, Training, Evaluation and Status of Construction Inspectors
Inspection of construction is mandated by law. Design engineers cannot disclaim their responsibility for construction inspection by citing self-serving language in the contract documents....

Excellence in Inspection
Excellence in inspection starts with proper interpretation of specifications and drawings. There exists a void between the design team and the field people which must be bridged in order...





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