The USDA Colorado River Salinity Control Program
Approximately 37 percent of the salt contribution in the Colorado River can be attributed to irrigation activities in the river basin. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA),...

Impact of Agriculture on Ground-Water Quality on the Delmarva Peninsula
Both pesticides and nitrates have been detected in the ground water on the Delmarva Peninsula. Highest nitrate concentrations have been found on well-drained soils. Poultry manure is one...

Research Need on Integrated System for Water and Pest Management to Protect Groundwater Quality
Research is urgently needed to develop the technology for integrating the methodologies for managing soil, water, ground cover, pesticide applications, and fertilizer applications in such...

Influence of Method of Fertilizer Application on Groundwater Pollution
Researchers at New Mexico State University have been looking for methods to improve the efficiency of fertilizer application in irrigated agriculture. Preliminary results obtained in the...

Evaluating Groundwater Pollution Potential Using Geographical Information Systems
A procedure for developing groundwater pollution potential maps using a geographical information system (GIS) is introduced. The concept of pollution potential mapping is discussed, along...

Deep Percolation, Drainage and Water Quality
The purpose of this study is to illustrate and and qualitatively describe results of steady and transient numerical simulations examining the influence of drain spacing and depth on shallow...

Hydrogeologic Factors Affecting Trace Element Mobility
Alluvial deposits often comprise the aquifer beneath irrigated lands in the southwestern U.S. The presence of buried stream channels in, and layering of, shallow alluvial deposits are...

Effect of Water Depth and Groundwater Table on Infiltration from Recharge Basins
The actual effect of water depth on infiltration depends on the depth to groundwater and on whether the wetted perimeter of the basin is clean or covered by a clogging layer of fine particles...

Artificial Recharge in the Southern Ogallala?Experiences with Playa Lake Water and Filter Underdrains
Ground water in southern portions of the Ogallala Aquifer has declined significantly over the past several years. Attempts to recharge playa water in the past have failed due to the clogging...

Comprehensive Management of a Sole-Source Aquifer in Central Texas - A Model for Coping with Urban Development in Hydrologically Sensitive Areas
In the developing San Antonio/Austin area of central Texas, the Edwards Aquifer is highly vulnerable to contamination resulting from development. The Texas Water Commission (TWC) strives...

Expediting the Evaluation of Water-Rights Applications in the Mimbres Basin, NM
More than eighty percent of all ground water used in New Mexico is used for agriculture. The allocation of ground water in the state is the responsibility of the State Engineer. For the...

Kesterson Crisis: Sorting Out the Facts
The United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) began planning and construction activities in the mid-1960's for the San Luis Drain, a master drain to dispose of salt-laden...

Prognosis on Managing Trace Elements
Management options assessed for trace elements discharged from irrigated lands include source control, drainwater reuse, drainwater treatment and removal of contaminants, disposal, and...

Water Quality Criteria for Cyanide in the Similkameen River, British Columbia
The toxicological and environmental significance of the major cyanide compounds is discussed. Data from earlier bioassays studies of cyanide are summarised and the ranges of median lethal...

Movement of Triazine Herbicides and Metolachlor in a Sandy Soil
The movement of atrazine, cyanazine, simazine, and metolachlor was studied in an Evesboro loamy sand soil. Both no-tillage and conventional tillage treatments were used. Atrazine, simazine,...

Water Quality of Jubba River in Somalia
Monitoring of water quality in the Jubba River in Somalia of East Africa, led to indications of a potential impact of toxic trace elements, salinity and biocides in restricting agricultural...

Nonpoint Source Pollution from Agricultural Drainage: Impacts and Innovations in California
This paper provides an overview of the more significant impacts of agricultural drainage in California, and describes the role of the State's Agricultural Drainage Water Management...

Environmental Aspects of Water Resources Development
Long-term management of resources requires a comprehensive anlysis of the effects that development and management of one resource may be expected to exert upon other resources. However,...

The Use of Wholesale Water Rates to Encourage the Groundwater Conjunctive Use
The availability and price of imported Colorado River water were critical components to the development of groundwater management programs in Southern California. Economical imported water...

Droughts and Water Supply
The current drought in California and the western U.S. are set in the framework of drought persistence, drought forecasting and reducing the consequences of droughts. During the fifteen...





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