Using Computer Programs to Develop As-Built Schedules
An as-built schedule documents how a project was built over time. It indicates the start and the end dates of each activity during the construction. This schedule is often used to evaluate...

Decision-Making Paradigm for Risk Assessment of Hazardous Wastes Using Fuzzy Sets
This paper summarizes the development of a risk assessment framework to provide risk-cost policy alternatives to prioritize remediation actions for hazardous wastes. The framework is a...

Managing Uncertainty in Environmental Remediation Project Planning
The cleanup operations in environmental remediation (ER) process, a relatively new area of opportunity for the construction industry, is often avoided due to its perceived high risks....

Linguistic Analysis of Risk in Project Planning
Construction risk analysis models are mainly based on quantitative techniques which require numerical data. However, in many cases, the available information related to uncertainty factors...

Quality of Map Data in Geographic Information Systems
Local government engineers wanting to take advantage of computer aided design (CAD) and geographic information system (GIS) need to understand the quality and accuracy of digital base...

TIGER and Census Bureau Data in a GIS: A Powerful Combination for Civil Engineers
TIGER is the acronym the Census Bureau crated to identify its computerized geographic support system: the Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing System. Although...

An International Knowledge Database for Ground Improvement Geo-Systems
Ground improvement technologies have traditionally played an integral and important role in major geotechnical construction projects throughout the history of civil engineering and selection...

Case Storage of Planning Knowledge for Power Plant Construction
Schedulers consider a variety of constraints when they analyze a project to schedule the construction work for it. Often they will start from some schedule that they recall from a previous...

Representation of Case Memory for Structural Design
One of the major issues to be addressed in the application of case-based reasoning to structural design is the representation of design projects in case memory. The content of the information...

Uncertain Reasoning in a Pavement Management System
A major objective of a Pavement Management System (PMS) is to assist highway engineers and managers in making consistent and cost effective decisions related to maintenance and rehabilitation...

Representation of Vertical Constraints Knowledge for Scheduling Multi-Story Projects
Multi-story projects are characterized by many repetitive units or typical floors that involve identical activities repeated consecutively from one floor to the next. Horizontal logic...

An Object-Oriented Scheduling Data Acquisition Model Using a Hybrid Expert System
Acquisition of scheduling data for construction project information management is a complicated task. Historically, there has been a fundamental disconnection between cost estimation and...

Simplified Simulation Model Development for Construction Projects
The application of discrete event simulation tools is extremely beneficial in improving the efficiency of building construction activities. Simulation is used to evaluate construction...

Selecting Precast Concrete Building Systems
The development of an integrated computer system to assist in the selection of precast concrete (PC) building systems is described. StructNet, a neural network program, identifies possible...

The MOUSE Uncertainty Analysis System
MOUSE (Modular Oriented Uncertainty SystEm) is a Monte Carlo based simulation system designed to deal with the problem of uncertainties in Environmental engineering calculations, such...

Risk-Based Management of Uncertainty During Project Planning and Execution
The Land Disposal Restrictions (LDRs) of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) are the critical technical standards for the establishment of compliance plans and schedules...

Computer-Assisted Planning, Programming, Budgeting System (CAPPB)
This paper describes an information system called CAPPB (Computer-Assisted Planning, Programming, Budgeting System) developed at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Construction Engineering...

Computerized Facility Information Management Systems
The paper describes a computerized information system that can be used in place of the traditional operations and maintenance manual used by facilities personnel. Plant operations and...

A Decision Support System for Nonpoint Source Pollution Management Using a Distributed Model-GIS-DBMS Linkage
Methods were developed for directly linking the distributed parameter model, AGNPS with a GIS and a relational database management system (RDBMS) to investigate a nonpoint source pollution...

Case-Based Design in the SEED System
We present the requirements for case-based design in a software environment to support the early phases in building design and outline an approach to satisfy them. We briefly discuss implementation...





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