Toxicology and Chemistry of Metals in Urban Runoff
Water quality characteristics such as inorganic and organic ligands, pH, and water hardness will reduce the toxicity of metals through different chemical or physiological mechanisms. Increases...

Constructing a Better Environment
The civil engineer is traditionally designated the jobsite environmental engineer during construction, and is responsible for managing environmental protection and monitoring. Jobsite...

A Digester Gas Cogeneration Plant at EBMUD
Final testing and start-up of a 4. 3 MW digester gas cogeneration plant has been completed and full-time operation begun at the EBMUD Wastewater Treatment Plant in Oakland, California....

Managing Public Works: How the Best Do It
Management methods of what are considered the best public works organizations are reviewed. Examples of personnel management in some of these organizations include: Fostering the professional...

Defining the Infrastructure Problem?The Local View
The Governor's report defines infrastructure as 'the collective network of physical facilities and their maintenance necessary to sustain economic growth and...

Revitalization of Urban Water Supply and Distribution Systems: Detroit and Phoenix Case Studies
In 1980 the people in the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department were asking themselves the kind of question that is facing the managers of many municipal utilities in this country these...

Infrastructure Awareness: Successful Techniques
The need to rehabilitate and upgrade our infrastructure systems, specifically the systems of water supply and distribution, wastewater collection and treatment, bridges, highways and mass...

The National Infrastructure Act
Today, more than ever before, the United States faces a serious problem related to the condition and adequacy of its basic infrastructure - surface transportation, water supply and distribution,...

Carbon Columns: Success at Last
The first large scale application of carbon columns for municipal wastewater treatment has been operating for two years. The columns were designed as part of a program to upgrade an out...

Structural Considerations for a Radwaste Facility
The structural engineer needs to consider several criteria when designing a radioactive-waste processing facility in order to properly balance the requirements of safety and economy. This...

Soil Movement and Surface Roughness on Wyoming Rangelands
Soil movement and surface roughness parameters were evaluated as a function of response to livestock grazing and semiarid shrub control treatments. Repeated elevation measurements of erosion...

A Giardia Source Investigation in a National Forest Municipal Supply Watershed
For nearly 100 years, the City of Missoula, Montana, obtained most of its municipal water from a surface water supply, Rattlesnake Creek. The Rattlesnake watershed lies within the Lolo...

Cyanide Heap Leaching Problems at Elk City, Idaho
A cyanide heap leaching operation for gold recovery was started in 1983 above the water intake for the community of Elk City in north central Idaho which turned into a problem during the...

Snow Management Practices for Increasing Soil Water Reserves in Frozen Prairie Soils
It is demonstrated that stubble management practices can be used to increase snowcover accumulations in the Canadian Prairies. However, the potential for significant increasing soil water...

Water Balance Approach to Prediction of Seepage from Mine Tailings Impoundments, Part I: General Water Balance Approach
The prediction of seepage from a tailings impoundment requires careful evaluation because the predictions can have significant economic impact upon designs, as well as permit stipulations...

Containment of Textile Waste Using a Geomembrane
A wastewater treatment plant for a textile mill incorporated two 2. 7 million gallon aeration ponds which had originally been lined with clay. The clay liner leaked and caused the formation...

Permanence of Chemically Grouted Sands
Test specimens were prepared with one of three uniformly graded sands of a fine gravel and injected with one of five silicate or two polyacrylic grouts. The polyacrylic grouts showed no...

Chemical Grout Curtains at Ox Mountain Dams
Grout curtains were constructed in granodiorite bedrock as part of two earthfill diversion dams at a sanitary landfill site on the San Francisco, California peninsula. The curtains are...

Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Grout Movement
This paper describes the acoustic emission (AE) method in general, and in particular the AE system which holds significant promise in this regard. Used was a multichannel AE system which...

Grout Slurries?Thick or Thin?
In this paper some recent experiences in dam grouting in several countries are discussed where bentonite or Intraplast additives were used to control sedimentation, viscosity, grout density,...





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