Vehicle Lateral Guidance Using a DSP Based Vision System
A practical real-time vision system system which uses a digital signal processing chip to obtain a tracking error for lateral guidance of vehicles at highway speeds is presented. Minor...
Observation and Modeling of Mobile Environment
Perception of the environment in a mobile robot is a difficult task. Other moving objects and various changes in the environment and motion of the robot must be handled together. Control...
Measuring Highway Inventory Features Using Stereoscopic Imaging System
The new stereoscopic measurement approach is discussed in this paper. The objective of this paper is not intended to present another new videologging system. Instead, this paper is to...
Subsurface Pavement Structure Inventory Using Ground Penetrating Radar and a Bore Hole Camera
The Pavement Management System (PMS) is now a necessary pavement evaluation tool. The PMS data base has been historically fed with surface inspection data, but increasing demands for accurate...
Minnesota Department of Transportation Experience in the Application of Advanced Traffic Management Systems
The Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) began deploying Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) in the early 70's. The Interstate 35W just south of the Minneapolis...
Academic Research Efforts in the GuideStar IVHS Program
The Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) and University of Minnesota officials, realizing that Minnesota was among the leaders in both research and implementation of advanced...
Advanced Traveler Information Systems-The Vision Beyond
This tutorial describes the author's vision of a mature Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS), the individual modules, including public transportation, of the system,...
Flexible Pavement Distress Evaluation Using Image Analysis
A unique combination of image histogram and projection histogram are employed to classify major distress types on flexible pavement. This technique has taken into account the presence...
Identify the Marina User Market and Make the Customer a Part of the Planning Team: Designing and Managing for the User's Needs
A practical surveying method is described which allows a marketing firm to simultaneously - and quantitatively - analyze demographic market composition (for both upland and in-water uses)...
The Marina Environment from a Boaters Point of View
A discussion of the benefits and problems encountered by the recreational boater as a tenant of both the public and private marinas in Southern California is presented....
Encouraging Tourism and Access Through Recreational Marina/Waterfront Design
Encouraging tourism and access through the development of recreational marina facilities challenges a community and marina designer to create a Master Plan which incorporates a wide range...
Development of Marina Facilities on the Southern California Coast
The Southern California coastal region has developed recreational boating facilities through the use of existing bays, creation of new inland water areas and the construction of small...
Structural Investigation of Marina Del Rey Seawall
The Marina del Rey Seawall was constructed by various contractors between 1959 and 1961. It is composed of 660 panels totaling 39,600 linear feet. The seawall configuration is a type normally...
Marina Del Rey: 30 Years of Environmental Impact
Marina del Rey - the world's largest man-made recreational boating harbor - also holds primacy in pollution. Marina del Rey is home port to more than 6,100 vessels in wet...
NOAA Collection and Dissemination of Marine Information
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) interest in marinas stems from our mandate to foster boating safety through the issuance of marine navigation products and...
Joint Occurrence of High Tide and Storm Surge in California
High tides or high storm surges separately generally do not pose a hazard for flooding or structural damage in California. However, when storms and periods of high tides coincide, the...
The U.K. Marina Industry?An Overview
This paper is written from the point of view of an established marina developer and operator and, as the title suggests, it purports to be nothing more than an overview of a number of...
The Future of Recreational Boating in Mexico
The potential for the development of recreational boating in Mexico is considered. Mexico is a country of 88 million people with 10,000 km of beautiful coastline. In the past, boating...
Current Conditions and Future Prospects of Marinas in Japan
The number of so-called marinas and yacht harbours in Japan is said to be as many as 1,000 at present. In this report, the findings of a survey on 365 marinas which appear to satisfy the...
Marina Development in the 1990s, United Kingdom
The development of marinas in the United Kingdom during the last 30 years is traced, with emphasis placed on the current trends. Implementation of the new 'village harbor...
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