Dynamic Route Guidance?The Drive Project CAR-GOES
The DRIVE project CAR-GOES has studied strategies for integrating road traffic management and central systems for dynamic route guidance and traffic signal control. This paper summarises...

Wegwijs?Amsterdam?A Dual Mode Routeguidance Plan
Wegwijs-Amsterdam stands for a plan to test the feasibility of a dual-mode route-guidance system based on a network of beacons which give the driver route-guidance to reach a pre-selected...

Video Image Processing for Toll Operation Evaluation
Toll motorway companies are very much concerned with toll plaza operation and its appreciation by customers. The problem is two-fold: define a desired level of service (queue lengths,...

A Review of European Developments in Route Guidance and Navigation Systems
This paper summarises the rapid progress in Europe in developing in-vehicle navigation systems. It discusses the various studies which have been carried out of the benefits of route guidance,...

Assessment of IVHS Research Efforts in Japan and Future Directions
In the past twenty years, research on intelligent vehicle/highway systems (IVHS) in Japan has seen a tremendous progress. The first advanced IVHS research was conducted between 1973 and...

Car Wars?The DOTs Strike Back
HNTB is developing integrated computer systems utilizing standard hardware and software platforms coupled with graphical user interfaces for traffic management systems (TMS). Rapid, user-friendly...

A Catastrophe Theory Approach to Freeway Incident Detection
This paper discusses an approach to incident detection on freeways that classifies traffic conditions at a single station rather than by comparing conditions at adjacent stations. The...

A Low Pass Filter for Incident Detection
A new algorithm for automatic incident detection was developed after observing that existing algorithm performance can improve if detector data are filtered before use. The new algorithm...

Automatic Incident Detection Using Image Processing Techniques: A Specific System Used in INVAID
INRETS together with other partners, within the European DRIVE program framework is working on developing a system able to detect incidents on motorway by processing video images (Jref....

A Distributed Real Time Knowledge-Based System Using Video Image Processing for Junctions Automatic Incident Detection
The scope of the INVAID project (in the European DRIVE program) is to build an automatic incident detection system which incorporate the image processing capabilities. In the urban aspects...

A Real-Time Traffic Diversion Model: A Conceptual Approach
The development of a real-time traffic diversion control system for integrated freeway and arterial networks, as part of the most currently envisioned Intelligent Vehicle/Highway System...

A New Approach for Real-Time Prediction of Traffic Demand-Diversion in Freeway Corridors
An adaptive method is developed for real-time prediction of demand and diversion of traffic flow at on-ramp areas of freeway corridors. The prediction method explicitly treats the time-variant...

Dynamic Stochastic Equilibrium Model in Multiple Vehicle Type Transportation Networks
In this study, a multi-vehicle type dynamic stochastic user equilibrium model (called MDSUE model for abbreviation) is developed. By using MDSUE model, the prediction of departure rates...

Dynamic Estimation of Freeway Demand Patterns and a Stochastic Programming Approach to Freeway Ramp Metering
Controlling the rate at which vehicles are allowed to enter a freeway from the freeway's on-ramps has become a standard method for reducing the impact of both recurring and...

Effectiveness of Real-Time Information Strategies in Situations of Non-Recurrent Congestion
The effect of real-time information on the performance of a traffic commuting corridor in situations of non-recurrent congestion is studied using a dynamic simulation model. Non-recurrent...

Contact-Free IC Cards for New Railway Ticket Systems
Two types of smart cards which can communicate with an automatic gate machine without contact are developed. The first one uses medium wave radio as communication media. The microprocessor...

Fault-Tolerant Computing Architecture for MF 88 and MP 89 Rolling Stock
For several years now, the French and the foreign railway industries have witnessed the development of a new generation of on-board computer systems for rolling stock. It mainly features...

Experiments with Formal Specifications on MAGGALY
Until lately, safety functions for automatic train driving systems have mostly been implemented with classical techniques such as relays, way circuitry and, more recently, electronic devices....

Safety Microprocessors in Guided Ground Transport
The use of microprocessors performing safety tasks such as Automatic Train Protection systems made more difficult their safety-worthiness assesment. In this paper we will first examine...

Simulation of a Vehicle Platoon Control System for Automatic Highway Using the Fuzzy Control Concept
This paper discusses the concept of the longitudinal control of vehicle platoons on the highways. The paper discusses the simulation of vehicles with non-linear properties, such as air...





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