A Spatial Decision Support System for Vehicle Routing
This paper describes the design, development, and implementation of a computer aided system for planning efficient network maintenance routes. The system has been used to design snow and...

GIS Applications in Urban Roadway Management Systems
The urban roadway network is a major component of any municipal infrastructure system. Effective management with systems methodology can greatly increase the service life of these facilities...

The County Sanitation Districts' Experience in Computerized Solid Waste Management Data
The County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County, California (Districts) utilize computers and computerized information for a wide range of applications related to their solid waste...

Decision Methods for Selecting Earth Retaining Structures
The Bridge Branch of the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) has organized the framework of a formal decision process for retaining wall selection. The process facilitates implementation...

Benefit-Cost Analysis for Optimal Budget Allocation to Bridges
The funding available for bridge improvements in the United States has been insufficient for many years. The limited budgets granted have generally been allocated based on Sufficiency...

Computer-Aided Guyed Tower Analysis for the Rehabilitation of TTI Tower, Baltimore
A large guyed television tower owned by Television Tower Inc. of Baltimore is currently being analyzed in order to evaluate the capacity of the tower to support additional broadcasting...

The California Smart Traveler 1993 Status Report
California's Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is teaming with public and private organizations in the research and development of Smart Traveler systems to provide operators, passengers...

Bellevue Smart Traveler: Phase 2
Traffic congestion in urban centers can be attributed to large numbers of workers traveling in single occupant vehicles to densely clustered downtown employment facilities. This project...

The Cal Poly ATMIS Traffic Operations Center Simulator
This paper describes the development of state-of-the-art traffic simulation software powerful enough to support a wide range of testbed experiments related to Advanced Traffic Management...

Resource Information System for Military Engineers
This paper describes a information system called RISE (Resource Information System, Engineers) developed at the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Construction Engineering Research Laboratories...

A Process to Enhance the Flow of Engineering and Management Information at Ford Hood, Texas
This paper describes a study of the information requirements at the DEH (Directorate of Engineering and Housing) at Fort Hood, Texas which was undertaken by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers...

The Denver Airport: Managing a Megaproject
If the 53 sq mi, $2.7 billion Denver International Airport seems daunting in size, imagine trying to manage its construction. Supported by over 100 firms, the five year-long project is...

How to Get Local Public Works Agencies to Use Structured Infrastructure Management Approaches
As more agencies consider adopting infrastructure management systems, the lessons learned in developing and supporting the use of current systems should be used to structure the support...

Evolution of Pavement Management Systems at the Port of Authority of New York and New Jersey
The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (the Port Authority) operates the world's largest and busiest airport complex as well as an extensive roadway network. To provide effective...

Barriers for Innovation and Technology Transfer in the Public Works Infrastructure R&D
Utilization of technologies and innovation to revitalize America's public works infrastructure is beset with barriers. Some critical barriers, identified through literature review and...

Automated Data Collection for O'Hare Airport
The Chicago O'Hare International Airport (O'Hare) is one of the busiest facilities in the world. Operating at near capacity, the airport provides a critical link in the United States'...

Cost-Benefit Evaluation of Network Level Pavement Management
This paper presents a cost-benefit analysis prepared for senior management. It uses the Alberta pavement management system as the primary case, and the Arizona PMS system as the second...

Tunnel Repairs Under Traffic and Community Impacts
Maintaining and rehabilitating the nations existing urban infrastructure is vital for the long term economic health of the cities in which the facilities are located. Successful rehabilitation...

Advanced Technology Proposals for Infrastructure Rebuilding for Sustainable Development
There is serious need to rebuild and renovate the infrastructure of the United States in order to create a basis for growth in the future. However, new concerns of global warming, energy...

Automated Generation of NBI Reporting Fields from Pontis BMS Database
Methods to generate National Bridge Inventory (NBI) condition ratings for deck (Field 58), superstructure(Field 59), substructure (Field 60) and culvert (Field 62) from the bridge database...





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