Evaluation of the Water Supply Potential of the Floridian Aquifer in Seminole County, Florida
In Seminole County, Florida, a occurred in the 1980s and early 1990s due to a large influx of residents. This large increase in demand, when coupled with a limited groundwater supply,...

Stochastic Optimal Control for Determination of Freshwater Inflows to Estuaries
The objective of the research is to develop estuarine system management models based upon discrete-time stochastic optimal control. An analytical feedback control law is given. The control...

Multiobjective Models for Determining Freshwater Inflows to Bays and Estuaries
This paper presents four multiobjective models for the estuary management problem, including goal programming, the epsilon constraint method, the surrogate worth tradeoff method and the...

Differential Dynamic Programming for Estuarine Management
Differential dynamic programming (DDP) is applied to solve the estuarine management problem to determine the optimal amount of freshwater inflows into bays and estuaries in order to maximize...

Denver's Direct Potable Water Reuse Demonstration Project
The Denver Potable Water Reuse Demonstration Project was created to provide definitive answers to the interrelated questions of product quality, public health, technical and economic feasibility,...

Water Reclamation Potential in Southern California to the Year 2010
This is a summary of plans and projections for future water recycling by Southern California public and private water and sewerage agencies involved in water recycling. The central purpose...

Role of Constructed Wetlands in Water Resources Management
Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) and the US Bureau of Reclamation (USBR), in consultation with other government agencies, the academic community, and environmental groups, are involved...

Missouri River Recreation Economic Analysis
The Missouri River main stem lakes and downstream river reaches encompass about 1900 river miles from the mouth at St. Louis, Missouri, to the headwaters of Fort Peck Lake in Montana....

Potable Water Reclamation?A Practical Option to Traditional Sources
This paper describes the development of potable water reclamation alternatives to meet the future municipal water needs of the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado. By the year 2042, the...

Water Polishing by Constructed Wetland Ecosystems
This paper gives results of a five-year study of minerals and nutrients reduction in a large constructed wetland facility in Central Florida, on the periphery of Orlando. The 120 ha system...

Channel Stabilization and Retrofit
In 1990 King County Surface Water Management Division completed the Soos Creek Basin Plan. This basin was one of the most rapidly developing areas in the State of Washington. The goal...

Computer Simulation Model of the Integrated Local Water Supply Plan for the City of Wichita, Kansas
The City of Wichita, Kansas will require additional water supply sources to meet projected future water demands. A study of options identified a supply plan with integrated use of local...

Reusable Water Exhange Modeling
Wastewater return flows of raw water which is reusable, i.e., water which is entirely consumable, can be exchanged for a like amount of water upstream in the river basin. Exchanged water...

A New Approach to Water Education: Children's Water Festivals
A number of Colorado water agencies, school districts, and municipal utilities have combined efforts recently to coordinate a relatively new concept in water education - Children's Water...

Surface Water Quality Modeling in the Rio Grande
The City of Albuquerque (City) in New Mexico owns and operates the Southside Water Reclamation Plant (SWRP), which discharges an average of 200623 m3/d...

An Interactive Regional Regression Approach to Estimating Flood Quantiles
In Texas, a computer program has been developed which will estimate flood quantiles for an ungaged site based on data from gaging stations with similar watershed characteristics. The user...

A Regional Model of Daily Streamflow for the Northeast United States
A regional flow duration curve (FDC) model is under development which relates daily streamflow at 166 unregulated basins in the northeastern U.S. to watershed and climatic characteristics....

Conservation Before and After: The Impacts of Increasing Block Rates on a Fully Metered System
Denver Water's inside residential consumption and revenues changed dramatically during a metering program and a conversion to inclining block rates. We analyze these two changes and make...

Wastewater Reclamation at Davenport, Washington
The City of Davenport, Washington went through an extended process to update their undersized wastewater treatment and irrigation reclamation systems for municipal wastewater. The process...

Reducing Discharges from San Francisco to the Bay
The City and County of San Francisco (City) is fairly unique in the west because it has a combined sanitary and storm water system. When the current Wastewater Master Plan (WWMP) was completed...





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