Mat Foundation Design: An Historical Perspective
Nearly a half century ago, Karl Terzaghi rationalized the analysis and design of mat foundations with the conclusion that subgrade reaction was the most important variable. Soon after...

Settlement of Large Mat on Deep Compressible Soil
This case history describes the settlement analyses for a large load compensated (floating) mat foundation on a deep deposit of normally consolidated clay of variable thickness. Large...

Influence of Flexible Mat on Settlements of Marine Clay
Highly compressible marine clays occur extensively in coastal regions. In lieu of traditional pile or raft foundations in such weak soils, recently a flexible mat system has been developed...

Down Drag on Friction Piles: A Case History
The down drag settlements experienced by the foundation of a supermarket constructed in 1972 in Gretna-New Orleans, Louisiana are presented. Two different lengths of piles (12.2 m and...

Software for Settlement Analysis
The software most widely used in engineering practice as well as for general purposes consists of word processors, spreadsheets, and databases, and these are useful for settlement analysis...

Methods for Risk and Reliability Analysis
Recently, there has been considerable emphasis on the state of decay in the nation's infrastructure because of its importance to society's needs and industrial growth. Water distribution...

Reliability Analysis of Water Distribution Systems
The aging and deterioration of our water supply infrastructure have resulted in performance deficiencies. Limited budgets require that resources for maintenance and rehabilitation be allocated...

Water Infrastructure Risk Ranking and Filtering Method
The availability of water distribution infrastructure is critical to the sustained support and growth of society. Water infrastructure consists of systems that carry water (pipe and irrigation...

Reliability-Based Assessment of Corps Structures
Due to the limited amount of funding available for maintenance, rehabilitation, and replacement of aging Corps structures, the director of civil works, Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of...

Quantifying Flood Damage Uncertainty
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) has adopted a risk-based analysis procedure to analyze the effect of uncertainty on flood damages and the benefits of flood damage reduction projects....

Flood Loss Assessment with Integrated Measures
In most cases, the maximum flood loss reduction can be achieved only by an optimal combination of both structural and nonstructural measures. An integrative approach that combines the...

Risk-Based Budgeting for Maintenance Dredging
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers must estimate the budget required to conduct maintenance dredging at hundreds of sites across the country. The amount of funds needed to do the maintenance...

Developments in Risk Analysis Commercial Software
There has been a marked increase in the number and type of commercial software packages available to support risk and uncertainty analysis. Monte Carlo simulations, the first such tool,...

Uncertainty versus Computer Response Time
Interactive on-line presentation of risk analysis results with immediate `what if' capability is now possible with available microcomputer technology. This can provide an effective means...

Environment-Irrigation Trade-Offs and Risks
Allocation of scarce water resources between environmental and commercial uses is an extremely important problem in many parts of the world. A study is under way in Australia to examine...

Risk and Reliability of Water Resources Infrastructure and Engineering Approaches to Risk and Reliability Analysis
The paper summarizes the second session of the conference which discussed the risk and reliability of water resources infrastructure as well as engineering approaches to risk and reliability...

Risk Management Strategies for Natural, Manmade, and Technological Hazards
The sixth session featured three important applications of risk and reliability analysis in water resources planning. Papers were presented on incentives to use reliability and risk analysis...

Control of Microbial Water Quality in the Little Rock, Arkansas Distribution System
Beginning in the summer of 1993, seasonal studies were undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of water treatment processes at Little Rock Municipal Water Works (LRMWW). Two treatment...

Flocculation Kinetics Using Fe(III) Coagulant to Coagulate Kaolin Clay in Water: Effects of Temperature
Flocculation kinetics using ferric nitrate as a coagulant to coagulate kaolin clay in water was examined using several experimental factors. Both the particle size distribution data obtained...

Assessing the Reliability of Low Pressure Membrane Systems for Microbial Removal
Low pressure membrane systems are used for microorganisms control in water treatment processes. In this article, the efficiency and reliability of this process is evaluated. Microorganism...





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