Roof Membranes: New Systems, New Problems
Market trends in roof membranes are described; most important is the use of single-ply membranes of rubber or plastic in the past decade. A swing to modified bitumen membranes is predicted...

Systematic Design of Marinas for Ice Condtions
A systematic approach and recommendations are presented for design engineers use in planning and building safe docks and marinas, and in reducing the expense of damages which ice causes....

Expansion of the Electro-Coal Transfer Terminal
This paper briefly describes renovation and expansion of the coal and phosphate marine terminal in Davant, La. The program included: replacement of existing berths damaged by marine accident;...

Innovative Repairs to Steel Sheet Pile Structures
Several unique and many unusual repair techniques have been used to structurally rebuild steel sheet pile walls. An example of a unique repair to a cellular cofferdam utilizing a suspended...

Louisiana Avenue Wharf E: Rehabilitate the Existing Wharf into a Container Terminal
The Port of New Orleans is currently modernizing the existing facilities in order to handle the containerized cargos, therefore enabling it to compete with other ports located on the Gulf...

Building Motion in Wind
The trend towards higher structural efficiency and hence lower cost has resulted in a generation of lighter and more flexible buildings with a lower inherent capacity for energy dissipation...

The Mile High Dream
For the 1986 Tall Buildings Conference in Chicago, a group of experts studied the implications of a mile high skyscraper to be built of concrete. It is 500 ft square at the base, designed...

Superminis for Super CAD
Many second time users of computer-aided design software and hardware, in their efforts to have more power and flexibility, are switching to superminicomputers and building their own systems....

Pressuremeter Tests and Shoring Wall Design
Pressuremeter testing was used as an integral part in the design of the temporary tieback shoring wall for the Columbia Center office building in Seattle, Washington. Pressuremeter testing...

Ports '86
Ports '86 had the theme of Innovations in Port Engineering and Development with keynote speakers looking ahead to Port Development in the 1990's. The program...

Taming Lively Buildings
Mechanical damping systems are increasingly being used for controlling dynamic responses of tall buildings. Several types of dampers are described, and compared, beginning with the three...

Designing for Maintainability
Inspection and maintenance guidelines are unavailable for many buildings. Building owners seldom have the benefit of such information because buildings are often considered passive systems,...

Beauty and the Bridge
At the California Department of Transportation, a special aesthetics unit works closely with the design engineers in the Division of Structures, which has won almost 400 prizes for its...

Combustion Sources of Residential Air Pollution: An Overview
Combustion by-products are a major source of indoor air pollution and have been measured in homes at levels above typical outdoor concentrations, and at levels which approach or exceed...

Development of Data Quality Indicators for Indoor Air Pollution Measurements
Indoor air quality measurements pose a unique problem for the application of traditional Quality Assurance/Quality Control approaches. The lack of reference methods and materials in some...

Effect of Baghdad City Sewage Treatment Effluents on Dissolved Oxygen Profiles of an Iraqi River
The paper presents measured dissolved oxygen (DO) profiles in an Iraqi river in the vicinity of Baghdad City. The effect of the effluent discharges from Baghdad Sewage Treatment Plant...

Response of the Citanduy River to Developments
The sinuous alluvial reach of the Citanduy River in Java, Indonesia has been surprisingly stable in spite of man-made cutoffs which have reduced the channel length from 98. 7 km to 78....

Implications of Nitrogen Transport by the Okanagan River
The long-term mean of total nitrogen load estimated in the river channel above the inlet to Skaha Lake is 906 lb day** minus **1. The apportionment of ammonia and nitrate plus nitrite...

Utopia Under Glass
We stand within sight of the day when our reserves of fossils fuel will be inadequate to maintain the type of energy inefficient cities we have grown used to. This exercise in urban planning...

Earthwork and Resource Estimation on Large Expedient Projects
A computer-aided technique is being developed for planning, design, estimating, and scheduling of horizontal construction for facilities required to support military operations. This technique...





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