First Order Importance Sampling Method and its Variance Reduction
This paper proposes an Importance Sampling method for structural system reliability problems with linearized modal failure surfaces. It has the advantage of locating all samples in the...

Nonstationary Response Characteristics of Linear MDOF Systems
A new approximate methodology for nonstationary random vibration analysis of multi-degree-of-freedom linear systems is developed. Simple analytical expressions for the covariance response...

Response of Mono-Coupled Distributed Parameter Systems to Random Excitation
The random vibration of periodic structures consisting of a multiplicity of closely coupled distributed parameter substructures is addressed. The problem formulation is general, and the...

Stress Wave Interaction in Finite Beam on Elastic Foundation
The short-time behavior of a finite Timeshenko beam on a Winkler foundation subjected to step and impulse loadings is presented. The transient behavior was analyzed by using the method...

Interaction Between Soil and a Rigid Foundation in a Layered Medium: A New Analytical Approach
This paper is concerned with derivation of the impedance matrix for the problem of interaction between soil and an embedded rigid foundation in a layered medium. As an approximation, the...

Dynamic Response Analysis of Pile Foundations by Using Variational Calculus
Various approaches have been developed for the frequency-domain dynamic response analysis. The one proposed by M. Novak (1974) is simplest of all and yet produces the results very close...

Experimental and Theoretical Dynamic Compliances of Foundations
An experimental study of the dynamic behavior of surface foundations on granular soils by centrifuge modeling is presented. The test method allows a direct measurement of the complex-valued...

Evolution of Damage in Brazilian Test Using Holographic Interferometry
A common method for estimating the tensile strength of concrete is the Brazilian Test. The test is carried out by loading a cylinder on its side in diametral compression. Accodring to...

Random Initial Heterogeneity and Degradation in Brittle Materials
The question of implementation of the initial state of the material is addressed. The problem is tackled by assuming random initial values for a relevant variable, within a prespecified...

On the Role of Dispersive Waves in Strain-Softening Media
Wave propagation in strain-softening continua is investigated numerically and analytically. It is argued that localisation which typically acts as a precursor of failure, can only be described...

Highly Accurate Adaptive hp-Methods for Linear Elastostatics
A new class of highly accurate, self-adaptive computational methods for two- and three-dimensional elastostatics problems is presented which can deliver solutions to general boundary-value...

Retrospect and Prospect: Micromechanics
In the mechanics community the term micromechanics is often used to identify scientific efforts in which certain overall macroscopic material response and failure modes are characterized...

The Theory of Elasticity: 1950-1992 and Beyond: Concluding Remarks
Forty years ago the theory of elasticity could be completely characterized by A.E.H.Love in his monumental treatise as an effort to reduce to calculation the internal state of stress produced...

Dynamic Stability of Composite-Material Circular Cylindrical Shells with Orthogonal Stiffeners
The governing equations are formulated for general (axisymmetric or unsymmetric) vibrations of thin circular cylindrical shells of composite material and reinforced with axial (stringer)...

Equivalence Between Motions with Noise-Induced Jumps and Chaos with Smale Horseshoes
For certain sets of parameters multi-stable oscillators excited by noise can exhibit irregular jumps. We consider one-degree-of-freedom near-integrable multi-stable systems whose unperturbed...

Bifurcations and Chaos in Structural Control
We study a harmonically forced oscillator with nonlinear soft spring subjected to a linear feedback control with time delay. This system can be written as a three dimensional dynamical...

Routes to Chaos of a Vertically Rotating Pendulum
Each blade of a mechanical shredder may be modeled by a pendulum whose pivot rotates in a vertical circle. The transition to chaos of small periodic motion about radial lines us the driving...

Regularization Methods for Identification of Structural Damage
Generally, various non-unique solutions may be obtained from ill-conditioned equations. Several methods are available to obtain a unique (minimum energy) solution to a modified and thus...

Applications of Viscoelastic Damper to Jointed Structures for Seismic Mitigation
Some structures, such as dams, are built with contraction joints that might carry some small tensile stresses. Such joints are expected to open and close during an earthquake. That will...

Effect of Active Control on Closely Spaced Natural Frequencies
Current problems in structural control involve structures with closely spaced natural frequencies (M.J. Balas, 1983). The purpose of this paper is to show how control affects a structure...





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