Geotechnical Engineering Design in the Age of the Modern Computer
Because geotechnical engineering requires that the materials and their configuration be investigated for each new project, the profession has always placed great emphasis on judgment....

Group Effect in the Case of Downdrag
A summary of the various techniques available to calculate downdrag forces on pile groups is presented. In light of all these existing techniques, a simplified method is recommended. An...

Analysis of Geometric Mispositioning in a Vertical Pile Group
A straightforward procedure is described whereby an approximate, three-dimensional, nonlinear model for the analysis of pile groups is used to simulate errors in major group parameters...

Computer Applications in the UCB Geotechnical Laboratories
The use of personal computers has become an indivisible part of the University of California at Berkeley (UCB) geotechnical testing laboratories. The University has been on the forefront...

Use of Computers for Soil and Rock Testing
The Bureau of Reclamation's central geotechnical laboratory in Denver, Colorado, routinely uses computers and associated electronic measurement devices for data acquisition,...

Use of Bar Code Technology to Simplify Sieve Analysis Data Acquisition
A system has been developed at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Ohio River Division Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory using bar codes and a computer coupled balance to aid in data collection...

Data Acquisition and Test Control in the Laboratory
With the progressive development of microcomputer technology, microcomputer based data acquisition systems have become an indispensable tool in the soil mechanics laboratory. This paper...

Lessons Learned by the News Media
The paper summarizes a few things learned from the news media's experience in Hurricane Hugo and which they will try to do differently the next time. These include: simulcasting...

The Use of Computer Mapping to Establish Historical Erosion Rates and Coastal Cosntruction Setbacks in New Jersey
New Jersey's Rules on Coastal Zone Management define coastal policies which guide public decisions about significant proposed development and management of resources of New Jersey's coastal...

The Acqisition of Remotely Sensed Sargassum Information on Daya Bay
The nuclear power plant on Daya Bay is the largest nuclear power plant under construction in China. In order to obtain reliable data about the possibility of blocking of the water intake...

Controlling Parameters on Littoral Transport and Coastline Development
An extension to the one-line approach to coastline development modelling is presented in the light of the major parameters influencing the longshore sediment transport processes. The model...

The Width of the New Artificial Channel of the Port of Lisbon?An Application of the SIMNAV Simulation Model
The study of the width of the new artificial channel for the entrance of the port of Lisbon (in the Tagus estuary), which will allow the passage of fourth generation container ships, is...

A Reef Conservation Project Involving Sport Divers in Singapore
The limited extent of Singapore's territorial waters places almost all the area within the boundary of its harbours. This includes many of the fringing and patch reefs associated...

Shore Protection Conflicting Objectives in Decision Making
Shore protection, in an era of rising sea levels and declining sediment budgets, is emerging as a priority item in coastal management. Yet to the traditional conflict between man and nature...

Pre-Operational Considerations for Marine Finfish Aquaculture: Site Selection and Allocation in British Columbia
Marine fish farming is a new component in the complex mixture of coastal resource uses in British Columbia. To ensure that the marine finfish aquaculture industry develops within an environmentally...

A Portable Geographic Information System (GIS) for Coastal Mapping
The combined increases in portable computing power and storage with the availability of new software has enabled the development of a truly portable Geographic Information System (GIS)...

Destruction Caused by Hurricane Hugo: A Timber Resources Damage Assessment in a Coastal Region
Damage assessments of large areas impacted by intense natural storms can be difficult. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the area and amount of damage to pine forests within...

G6 Coastal Morphodynamics
The contents and the backgrounds of the European coastal modelling programme 'G6 Coastal Morphodynamics', in the framework of the EC-sponsored Marine Science...

Turbulence Modelling of Suspended Sediment in the Surf Zone
A computational model is developed for the prediction of the wave period averaged turbulence structure under a breaking wave. The principal forcing function for the model is the generation...

Estimation of Overwash Bore Velocities Using Video Techniques
Overwash data were collected at a site on the Isles Dernieres, LA barrier island chain during Hurricane Gilbert in September 1988. A video technique was applied that allowed the quantification...





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