Earthquake Loss Estimation Modeling of the Seattle Water System Using a Deterministic Approach
This paper summarizes the project and resulting report entitled Earthquake Loss Estimation Modeling of the Seattle Water System (Ballantyne, 1990) conducted under funding from the United...
Seismic Behavior and Vulnerability of Pipelines
In this paper criteria and related features are described pertaining to the seismic design of pipelines and pipeline systems. The presentation begins by describing the past performance...
Wellington's Lifelines in Earthquake Project: An Outline of a Major Review
This paper outlines a project involving a major review of all lifelines including building services in the region of Wellington, New Zealand. A case study approach was used involving representatives...
A Methodology for Assessing the Risk of Hazardous Materials Release Following Earthquakes?A Demonstration Study for the Los Angeles Area
A methodology for estimating the risk of post-earthquake hazardous materials releases was developed for the National Science Foundation and the National Center for Earthquake Engineering...
Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Bridges on Earthquake Priority Routes in Western Kentucky
This paper discusses the current conditions of 203 bridges on the priority routes in Western Kentucky and their vulnerabilities to earthquakes. A span-loss type of bridge collapse due...
Seismic Vulnerability Analysis and Upgrade of Seattle Metro Wastewater Facilities
The Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle, Metro, provides wholesale wastewater transport and treatment for 30 cities and sewer districts. A Seismic Vulnerability Assessment Worksheet for...
Seismic Design Criteria for Transportation Structures
Seismic criteria for the design of transportation stuctures have evolved slowly since their inception in the early 1940s. Although seismic design criteria are far more sophisticated than...
Applications of Strain and Deflection Monitoring Systems for Post-Earthquake Safety and Usability of Lifelines
The paper proposes and discusses a variety of strain and deflection monitoring devices and systems for post-earthquake safety evaluation of lifelines. There is clearly a need, both in...
Evaluation of Automatic Earthquake Shutoff Valve Performance and Recommendations for Future U.S. Standards
Increasing interest of local and state government has developed in recent years regarding legislation requiring automatic shutoff valves for natural gas lines as well as lines containing...
Understanding the Earthquake Environment, Corporate Strategies
Corporations should understand the impact that earthquakes may have on their ability to function. Some earthquake related issues which face a corporation are: earthquake design levels...
Preliminary Earthquake Mitigation Planning to Improve Watermain Performance in Vancouver, B.C.
City of Vancouver's water transmission and distribution system is vulnerable to over 1,000 pipe leaks or main breaks from a probable large earthquake (about 7.5 M). Cast iron...
Loss-Reduction for Lifelines in a Federal Earthquake Insurance Context: Some Preliminary Issues
Through a two-year project, Dames & Moore has examined the topic of building or landuse loss-reduction measures in a federal earthquake insurance or reinsurance program. Loss reduction...
Philosophy for Treatment of High-Pressure Natural Gas Pipelines at Active Fault Crossings
Natural gas from fields in the overthrust belt of southwest Wyoming will be collected and transported to Southern California. The proposed Kern River Pipeline will transport gas to Daggett,...
Post Earthquake Investigation Team
The CALTRANS Post Earthquake Investigation Team (PEQIT) has been in existence since 1971. It is an emergency response team which mobilizes quickly following a major earthquake to gather...
Evaluation of Techniques for the Seismic Modeling of Elevated Freeway Bridges
Following the October 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in Northern California, a number of seismic parametric studies were performed for both two-level elevated freeways and single-column bridge...
Engineering Tactics on Lifelines Safety Against Earthquakes
Effects of sediment-filled valley on seismic ground motions have become of major interest in earthquake engineering throughout this decade. This paper presents interesting phenomena of...
A New Amplitude-Modulating Function and its Statistical Parameters for Seismic Ground Motion Simulation
This paper presents a new energy-based amplitude-modulating function and its statistics-based parameters for earthquake ground motion simulation. This function overcomes the main shortcomings...
Stochastic Responses of Lifeline Systems Under Seismic Excitations
A wave superposition model is proposed to predict the field motion on the basis of the seismic records obtained from a strong motion array. By assuming the ground motion to be a homogeneous...
Seismic Analysis and Design of RC Lifelines
This paper describes the general approach for analyzing a soil-reinforced concrete lifeline system subjected to seismic loading, and the development and importance of transfer functions...
Elevated Water Tank Inelastic Seismic Analysis
In 1988, the Seattle Water Department hired CYGNA, a consulting firm, to assess the seismic reliability of their water system, since major earthquakes can occur in the area. Their study...
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