Joint Pond-Wetland System Performance in Colorado
The Shop Creek retention pond and follow-up wetlands were constructed in 1989, by the City of Aurora, Colorado, and the Cherry Creek Basin Water Quality Authority to enhance urban storm...

The Everett, Washington, Water Supply IRP
The City of Everett, Washington, supplies water to most of the population of Snohomish County, located just north of Seattle. The County is rapidly urbanizing, and preliminary review of...

Prediction of Gravel Bedload with SAM
Bedload measurements for Little Beaver Creek in Colorado were used to test the sediment transport functions included in SAM. The test results showed that Toffaleti predicts total bedload...

Simulating Water Supply Systems of the Raritan Basin
A recently developed interactive river-aquifer system model (IRAS) was used to study the Raritan River Basin as part of the effort to revise the New Jersey Statewide Water Supply Master...

A Nested-Model Approach to Investigate Climate Change
Determination of the spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation in mountainous regions is critical for assessing the effects of climate variability on water resources in these...

Atmospheric Circulation and Snowpack in the Gunnison River Basin
Winter mean 700-millibar height anomalies over the eastern North Pacific Ocean and the western United States are related to variability in snowpack accumulations measured on or about April...

Statewide Consumptive Use Estimates
Methodology for estimating consumptive use and consumptive irrigation requirements on a statewide basis is summarized. The methodolgy has been used to update monthly and seasonal consumptive...

Climate Change Impacts on Boston's Water Supply
The analysis of the climate sensitivity of the water supply system of the Boston area indicates that the water supply has the potential to be dramatically altered by global warming. The...

Recreating a Process: The West Georgia Regional Water Supply Plan
This paper describes the planning process used to develop a long-range water supply plan for a five-county area northwest of Atlanta, Georgia. Demand for water in the study area is projected...

Water Policy and Management: Solving the Problems in Southern New Jersey
Southern New Jersey, which has relied solely on groundwater to satisfy its water supply needs, is depleting the primary source for that water. Symptoms of this depletion include declining...

Addressing Central Valley Project Policy Issues Using a General-Purpose Model
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's Central Valley Project (CVP) in California is constantly undergoing changes in legal mandates and policy objectives. Due to the complex nature of existing...

Involving the Public to Reach Consensus in Water Resources Projects - An Interdisciplinary Perspective
The San Diego County Water Authority (Authority) is developing the Emergency Storage Project (ESP) to improve the reliability of the county's water supply in the event of an extreme emergency,...

Storm Water Pollution Control for Industry: Developing Effective Guidelines Through Public Involvement
A regionwide storm water pollution control program in the Santa Clara Valley, California, includes an active industrial source control component that is designed and implemented as a public...

Joint Optimization of Groundwater Remediation and Monitoring
We describe the challenge of devising optimization methods which optimize jointly the remediation and monitoring at a contaminated site. We refer to the dual control method as a promising...

Development of an Intergovernmental Agreement For a Major Multi-Party Recharge Project in Central Arizona
The Salt River Project (SRP), a major power and water utility in the Phoenix area, and several municipalities recently completed the development of an intergovernmental agreement (IGA)...

Transbasin Diversions: Trends in State Legislation
Transbasin diversion legislation as enacted throughout the United States is reviewed. Commonalities are examined as are regional differences. Legislative trends are evaluated utilizing...

The Economic Cost of Stocking Catchable Rainbow Trout
States annually stock about 20 million pounds of catchable trout in public waters. Complete information on cost is essential to help wildlife agencies make operating and planning decisions....

Reoperation of Existing Reservoirs to Serve Changing Needs: Observations on Institutional Inertia, Conflict, and Efficiency
The 'reoperation' of a reservoir system may in some circumstances provide a non-structural alternative for addressing changing water storage needs resulting from population growth or other...

Cooperative Game Theory in Water Resources
This paper presents a game theoretic framework for reassessing the operation and management of existing multi-purpose water projects subject to competing and conflicting water uses. Implicit...

PROSIM - A Water Rights-Based Operational Simulation Model of the Provo River
The development and initial application of a computer model of the hydrology, water rights, and operation of the Provo and Weber rivers in Utah are described. The new FORTRAN model PROSIM...





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