A Comparison of Runoff and Sediment Yields from Bare and Vegetated Plots Using Rainfall Simulation
Data from 108 small plot rainfall simulator experiments on pinyon-juniper woodlands in Arizona and New Mexico were analyzed to determine quantifiable effects of cover on hydrologic and...

Effects of Surface Drainage on Sediment Yield in Southern Delaware
Sediment surveys were conducted over a period of 16 years on two small reservoirs in the Nanticoke River basin, Delware in order to assess the effects of watershed drainage projects on...

AGNPS: A Tool for Watershed Planning
The AGNPS model was developed to provide a means of assessing water quality impacts from agricultural watersheds. AGNPS simulates sediment and nutrient transport from the headwaters to...

Demonstration of Watershed Management Effectiveness in Sediment Control Using Comprehensive Watershed Modeling
The Arroyo Pasajero, which drains a 500-square mile watershed in the Coastal Range of California, flows into the San Joaquin Valley, intersecting the San Luis Canal section of the California...

Research Needs in Movement of Agricultural Chemicals to Groundwater
Better prediction of the movement of agricultural chemicals to groundwater is necessary to permit development of best management practices to reduce adverse environmental effects of agriculture....

Debris Flow Potential and Sediment Yield Analysis Following Wild Fire Events in Mountainous Terrain
The Pacific Southwest Inter-Agency Committee (PSIAC) 1968 Sediment Yield Rating Model provides a method to rapidly assess any increase in potential sediment yields following a wild fire...

Potential Sediment Yield From a Burned Drainage - An Example From the Wasatch Front, Utah
Two debris flows hit Mapleton City, Utah, as a result of rainstorms on a steep drainage basin, which had recently been burned. Debris flow potential for the area was evaluated to determine...

Process-Based Debris-Flow Prediction Method
This paper briefly identifies problems with traditional approaches to debris-flow prediction and presents a simplified process-based model (Williams and others, 1988) to accomplish the...

Olancha Debris Flow: An Example of an Isolated Damaging Event
This paper presents the case history of an isolated flood/debris flow that damaged the City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Aqueduct and threatened serious damage to U.S....

Erodible Channel Models: State of the Art Review
This paper presents a review of existing modeling techniques, their physical and mathematical background, and applicabilities. Major areas of progress are outlined and difficulties are...

Armor Layer Evolution
This communication presents an analysis of celerity propagation for non-uniform materials. Based on the corresponding flow, sediment transpot and sorting/armoring equations, the celerity...

Channel-changing Processes on the Santa Cruz River, Pima County, Arizona, 1936-86
Lateral channel change on the mainly ephemeral Santa Cruz River, Pima County, Arizona, causes damage and has spawned costly efforts to control bank erosion. Aerial photographs, historical...

Predicting Stream Width and Bank Retreat
The width of streams is dependent on the flood flow discharge which varies from year to year, the bank material which varies from stream to stream and reach to reach, the sediment load...

Geomorphology and Sedimentology of a Valley Fan, Southern Utah
Sink Valley, located in semi-arid west-central Kane County, Utah, lies on an erosional surface of Cretaceous age Tropic Shale. The valley contains an example of a previously undocumented...

Activation and Degeneration of Turbidity Currents
Flow properties of the front of a turbidity current are investigated using the two layers model which takes into account of pick up and deposition of sediment. The amount of pick up rate...

Sediment Transport Characteristics of Hyperconcentrated Flow with Suspended Load
In this paper, based on the analysis of the ovserved data, a set of theories is proposed of the transport of heper-concentrated sediment, the basic points of which are: (1) The hyperconcentrated...

A Mathematical Model of Erosion and Sedimentation of Hyperconcentrated Flow in Reservoirs
The motion of the flow with hyperconcentration has its unique law. In this paper, based on the analysis of the motion of the flow with hyperconcentration of sediment and the sediment transport...

A Study on Sediment Transportation in Debris Flow
By analysing the observation data of debris flows at the Jiangjia Ravine, Dongchuan, Yunnan Province, China in 1982-1986, this paper comprehensively and systematically describes the sediment...

Sediment Transport Models for Small Gullies in Loess Hill and Gully Regions
Three items are studied: the equation of the relation between discharge and sediment for small gullies derived by using the theory of river dynamics; the extension of the Nash theory of...

Sediment Sources, Transport and Delivery to an Alluvial Fan, Caliente Creek, California
Sediment delivery to a proposed flood detention reservoir site in the medial region of the Caliente Creek alluvial fan is dependant on the magnitude and duration of flood flows. Because...





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