Water Table Lysimeter Data Interpretation
Lysimeters were used to estimate seasonal water use of wet meadows and phreatophytes in northern Utah, southeast Idaho and southwest Wyoming (1983-1990). Twelve water table lysimeters...

Alfalfa ET Measurements with Drainage Lysimeters
Drainage lysimeters were used to measure alfalfa evapotranspiration (ET) under a line-gradient sprinkler system in the high-elevation desert conditions of northwest New Mexico. The lysimeters...

Lysimeters Versus Buffer Areas Et and Agronomic Comparisons
Evapotranspiration (Et) from lysimeters may not represent Et of undisturbed, surrounding sites because of factors related to water, soils, plants, and even animal life. Et and agronomic...

Percolation Lysimeters for Water Quality Sampling
A field method to measure, year-around, the quantity and quality of leachate under irrigated crops has been developed. A specific objective was to evaluate percolation lysimeters as tools...

Lysimeters to Study Soil Water Movement and Crop Water Use Under High Water Table Conditions
A system of 6 drainage lysimeters was constructed to conduct studies of water use and water movement in 3 different soils influenced by high water tables. The lysimeters were equipped...

Temporal Ion Balance Variation of an Irrigated Soil
The research was carried out in Southern Italy, from 1983 to 1988, using two gravity lysimeters irrigated with non saline water. The objective of this study was to test wether long-term...

Installation and Operation of Large Drainage Lysimeters on Grapes
Six large (3.05 m ? 3.66 m ? 1.83 m) drainage lysimeters were installed in 1984 in the middle of a 1.2 ha trickle irrigated experimental vineyard. Each was planted to two V. vinifera grapevines....

Use of Lysimeters to Monitor a Sanitary Landfill
A vadose zone monitoring program has been developed using basin lysimeters to evaluate the environmental impacts of a sanitary waste landfill. Lysimeter systems, consisting of collection...

Use of Lysimetric Measurements for Designing Major Irrigation Systems in the USSR
The bioclimatic method for calculation of crop water requirements has been widely used in the USSR in recent years. The author has analyzed the results of its application for designing...

Prefabricated Weighing Lysimeter for Remote Research Stations
After designing and constructing several precision scale system weighing lysimeters in Southern Europe and the Middle East, the need arose for a prefabricated 'turn-key'...

Infiltration of Unconsumed Irrigation Water in Utah
The ground-water hydrology of Panguitch Valley and adjacent areas, south-central Utah, was studied during 1988-90. One objective of the study was to measure ground-water recharge from...

Water and Salt Movement Under Trickle Irrigation
Experiments have been conducted to study the effect of the drip irrigation parameters on the movement of water and salt in the trickle wetted soil volume. The study indicated that for...

Effect of Frequency on Center Pivot Irrigation
Processes that are affected by the irrigation frequency of center pivot irrigation systems are described. High frequency irrigation will increase evaporation from crop canopies and unshaded...

Agricultural Drainage Reuse in Agroforestry Systems
On the westside of California's San Joaquin Valley, agroforestry systems are being evaluated as a solution to the agricultural drainage problem. Eucalyptus tree plantations...

Irrigation Scheduling for Groundwater Protection
Supplemental irrigation water is necessary for the production of high quality agricultural crops. Growers in Suffolk County, New York have traditionally irrigated according to weather...

Effects of Soil Layering on Infiltration
The effect of sloping soil layers on infiltration depends on the textural composition of both layers at the interface, as well as the slope of the interface. The contractions of flow caused...

Estimation of Loading via Fingered Flow
Results of experimental investigations of fingered preferential flow are combined into a concise, conservative engineering methodology for predicting pollutant transport through fingered...

Evaluation of Thermoplastic Drainage Pipe Designs in Europe and North America
The last 10 years have seen significant increase in the use of plastic pipe for drainage systems in North America in comparison to Europe. Many plastic pipe products have included corrugations,...

A Decision Support System for Prediction of Crop Yield, Evapotranspiration, and Irrigation Management
Computer simulation models have been developed which predict growth, development, and yield for grain legumes. These models can be applied for yield prediction as well as water management...

An Analytical Technique of Flow Rate Into Perforated Draintubes
The flow rate into a draintube in a saturated soil media depends on numerous characteristics such as the hole size, the number and spacing of holes, the drain size and depth. Based on...





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