Seven Oaks Dam Outlet Works Design
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has completed the preliminary design of the outlet works for the proposed Seven Oaks Dam. The dam is the upstream-most feature of the Corps'...

Sediment Ramping at Mill Creek
A Corps of Engineers study completed in 1988 analyzed this ramping phenomenon Mill Creek in Southern California Using an approach which combined sedimentation research with Corps experience...

Lower Santa Ana River Hydraulic Design for Levee Overtopping
The purpose of overtopping or freeboard design is to minimize damages and catastrophic failure from floodwaters overtopping levees. This case study is presented to show the approach taken...

Geographic Information System/Watershed Model Interface
Geographic information systems allow for the interactive analysis of spatial data related to water-resources investigations. A conceptual design for an interface between a geographic information...

Physical Modeling of Heated Discharges into a Stagnant River
An alternative cooling system study was performed for the Damietta Combined Cycle Plant in Egypt. The alternatives included spray canals, helper cooling tower and once-through cooling....

Hydraulic Analysis of the Schoharie Creek Bridge
Ten people died on April 5, 1987 as a result of the collapse of two spans of a New York State Thruway bridge into the floodwaters of Schoharie Creek. The cause of the bridge failure was...

Southwest Pass Training Structure Alternatives
The U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station system of computer programs, TABS-2, was utilized to evaluate various structural plans for increasing channel velocities and sediment...

Design Procedures for Soil-Cement Grade-Control Structures
Grade-control structures are effective channel-stabilization measures that may be used singly or as a part of a stabilization plan involving such measures as bed and bank revetment. Grade-control...

Design and Performance of Diversion Gates at Peace Canyon Dam
During construction of Peace Canyon Dam, river diversion was accomplished using a combination of cofferdams and temporary diversion conduits through the partially completed dam. Inlet...

Risk Assessment of System of Dams
The application of risk assessment to a series of dams on a river is presented here. A general discussion of the basic principles of risk assessment approach to dam engineering is given...

Channel Changes in the Platte River, 1926?1986
The Platte has changed significantly during the last century. A meandering channel with extensive riparian vegetation growth has replaced, the once braided and unvegetated channel in some...

The Lower Mississippi River and the Coriolis Force
Weather patterns and large bodies of water respond to the forces generated by the earth's rotation. A large north-south flowing river, such as the Lower Mississippi River,...

Flushing Flow Analysis Concepts
Many environmentally oriented groups who oppose water resources projects, have conceived various types of flow requirements to supposedly meet a variety of biological purposes in rivers....

Physical Modeling of Major Cutoffs
In 1987, a model study of Lock and Dam No.4 on the Red River in Louisiana required two major cutoffs and a lock and dam to be modeled. Although the Waterways Experiment Station has modeled...

Deposition at a New Dam Near Mount St. Helens
A sediment retention structure (SRS) is being constructed on the North Fork Toutle River in the state of Washington to trap sediments eroding off the 1980 Mount St. Helens debris avalanche....

International Research on Mechanics of River Bank Erosion?A Summary Overview
A brief overview is presented of research regarding mechanisms of river bank erosion and treatments. In the research river planforms, water stages, currents, waves, ice sediments, bed...

IJC Challenges in an Era of Uncertainty
Since its creation pursuant to the 1909 Boundary Waters Treaty between the United States and Canada, the International Joint Commission (IJC) has evolved into an effective mechanism for...

Rule Curve Operation at Terzaghi Dam to Pass the Probable Maximum Flood
Terzaghi dam is located on the Bridge River, a tributary of the Fraser River. The spillway was originally designed for the 1000-year flood. Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) studies completed...

First 10 Years of Operation of The La Grande Hydroelectric Complex
The first turbine of the La Grande hydroelectric Complex (Quebec, Canada) was commissioned in october 1979. Since then, five reservoirs, two rivers diversions, three power stations with...

Sediment Evacuation System for Impounded Rivers
Current solution techniques for the reservoir sedimentation problem are presented and their rationale questioned. The need for focusing on the overall river transport regime is emphasized....





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