Fast Tracking Military Waste
The installation restoration program, the military version of Superfund, helped fast track the cleanup contracts for four military hazwaste sites located at Hanscom Air Field, Bedford,...

The Saga of Senate Bill 2067
With the advent of the California Superfund program, liability related to toxic waste cleanup became a critical issue in California. The state had no authority to indemnify consultants...

The Model Cleanup
Standards for hazardous waste site cleanups may be inappropriate or inadequate to protect the public health. Civil engineers responsible for remediation decisions need to know about the...

High Hopes for Cattails
As other areas of wastewater treatment go high tech, man-made wetlands are treating wastewater from small towns and coal mines. Plants are grown in about 1 ft of water. Suspended solids...

Coastal Barrier Island Management in Florida
Coastal barriers in Florida have experienced the brunt of the state's rapid population growth. Excessive development of these environmentally sensitive areas has destroyed...

Dredge Disposal Monitoring by Fourier Shape Analysis
Fourier grain-shape analysis characterizes a population of sediments in terms of the shapes of the grains. The technique of grain-shape analysis has been successfully applied to the area...

Selection of Marine Bioindicators for Monitoring Radioactive Wastes Released from Nuclear Power Plants
The Brazilian Nuclear Program comprises the Angra I Nuclear Power Plant, in operational tests; the Angra II Nuclear Power Plant, under construction, expected to be completed in 1992; and...

Contact Stabilization Process Analysis and Formulation
In this paper, the contact stabilization process is analyzed. In comparison to the conventional activated sludge process, there are a larger number of independent design variables involved...

Application of Field Proven Fine Bubble Membrane Aeration Technology
Fine bubble membrane diffusers represent a significant technological advancement in diffused aeration technology by providing the consistently high transfer efficiencies of fine bubble...

Control of Nocardia in a Municipal Activated Sludge Facility
The paper reports on a study to determine the cause(s) of the biological imbalance and identify corrective measures. Project activities included: isolation and identification of filamentous...

Incremental Risk Analysis in Teaching Institutions
Institutions engaged in research and teaching in the natural sciences, constitute a diffuse source of chemical emissions. As many institutions embark on ambitious building programs, communities...

Monte Carlo Simulations of Uncertainties in Risk Assessments of Superfund Sites Using Crystal Ball?
Most health risk assessments for Superfund sites combine a series of worst case assumptions to derive a 'point estimate' of risk that is 'conservative,'...

Expert Systems for Assessment of Radon Gas
This paper covers a brief discussion of enviro-geotechnical aspects of radioactive toxic radon gas. Basic information required for assessment and controlling this gas is summarized and...

Gamma Exposure from Rn Progeny in GAC Units
An investigation into the gamma exposure rate generated by granular activated carbon (GAC) water treatment units focused on ten sites that covered a range of source radon (Rn) in water...

Ozonation of a Biorefractory Organic Compound
This study involved determination of the degradation of chlorendic acid due to ozonation, possible biodegradation of the resultant products, and possible toxicity of the resultant products....

Hazardous Waste Disposal: An Attitudinal Affront
Modern disposal facilities are thorough and conscientious in their methods. Environmentally sound practices are essential to protect the company and its clients from liability. The average...

Using Borosilicate Glass as a HLW Storage Medium
There is growing concern over the quality of present high level waste management techniques. Instances of nuclear accidents and contamination at nuclear waste sites in the United States...

The Application of Risk Assessment at Hazardous Waste Sites
This paper discusses some of the recent innovative uses of risk assessment at hazardous waste sites. Important developments in both methodology and application are as follows: quantitative...

Risk Assessment for the Multiple Threat from Dioxin Analysis
In this paper, the author focuses on the integrated method of estimating the risks and the evaluation of the risk acceptability based on a systematic classification of all risks involved...

A Practical Approach for Evaluating Environmental Risk
Risk management and assessment techniques are increasingly being used to project public health risks at hazardous wastes sites. Few studies have quantitatively evaluated the environmental...





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