Cold Regions Hydrology and Hydraulics
The Cold Regions Hydrology and Hydraulics Monograph is the eighth in a series of monographs prepared by the ASCE Technical Council on Cold Regions Engineering. The book is intended to...

Experiments on Active Structural Control Under Seismic Loads
Two control systems, an active tendon system and an active mass damper system are selected for study for possible real structural implementation. Presented in this paper are simulation...

Optimal Location of Active Controllers Subjected to Seismic Excitation
In the application of structural control to seismic structures certain locations are advantageous for placement of the actuators. These locations reduce the structure's response...

Frequency Response Design of Controlled Structures
The installation of optimal control systems has been shown to be effective in reducing the vibration responses of structures. In addition to the effectiveness, there are many factors that...

Optimization of Structures Subjected to Vibrations
A minimum cost optimization procedure is presented for the analysis of multi-degree freedom structures subjected to steady, transient and random vibration environment. The procedure is...

Concrete Strength-Quality Assurance
The usual criterion for establishing grades of structural concrete is the compressive strength measured in an arbitrary manner on a standardized specimen stored in a stipulated fashion...

Lessons Learned in Laboratory and Field Evaluation of Accelerated Strength Tests for Quality Control of Concrete Pavements
This paper describes the results of an accelerated strength testing program performed to evaluate flexural strength potential at 28- and 90-days. Based upon a literature review of previous...

Vibration Control Damper Using Sloshing of Water
The objective of this study is to develop a method of reducing wind-induced vibration of long-period structures utilizing sloshing of water in tanks added to the upper part of the structures....

Experimental Study on Structural Control for Seismic Loads Using Passive and Active Devices
The feasibility of controlling the responses of structures against seismic loads is investigated through some experiments and numerical analyses for both the passive and active control...

Tradeoffs Between Active Control and Identification of Structural Systems
This paper explores the tradeoffs between structural identification and structural control in a quantitative manner. Through the intemediary concept of an optimal input, it is shown that...

Jet Grouting for Underpinning and Excavation Support
Jet Grouting as a new tool for underpinning and excavation support is presented, describing the systems of Jet Grouting and its advantages over conventional underpinning techniques. A...

Case Histories of Shallow Foundations on Improved Soil
Case histories for four projects, with structures varying from a 27-story high rise to a one-story shopping center, are presented. For each of these projects, improving the soil to allow...

Cost Effective Pile Foundation Supports Fast Track Paper Mill
This paper decribes the generalized subsurface conditions, pile evaluation and load test program, pile and piling contractor selection, production pile installation, and quality assurance...

Hydrobiological Characterization of Guanabara Bay
Guanabara Bay forms an ecological unity with serious environmental problems derived from an accelerated and unorganized process of urbanization without the necessary support. The UFRJ/Institute...

Management of Fisheries in the State of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
To improve the interdisciplinary knowledge and to subdivide the problem in bio-ecological sectors, international committees recommend the development of integrated evaluation groups. On...

Computer Utilization in Structural Engineering
This volume contains the papers presented at the 1989 Structures Congress sponsored by the Structural Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers that deal directly with the application...

Real-Time and Off-Line Aids for Teaching Digital Control
This is a report of unique computer tools developed for teaching of the design of digital control systems at the University of Wyoming. The real-time components of the laboratory involve...

Safety in the Industrial Robot Environment
Safety requirements differ for applications with or without a human interface. The extent of human interface with the robot must be determined. Design of the robot, guarding, access, and...

ROBOSIM: A Simulation Package for Robots
ROBOSIM was developed first in a VAX environment. Using PC's with a terminal program capable of emulating a TEKTRONIX 4014, students can create robots, see them graphically,...

POU/POE Devices: Availability, Performance, and Cost
In order to gather and summarize information and data on point of use/point of entry (POU/POE) devices, a committee was established by the Environmental Engineering Division of the American...





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