Sonoma County: Success Story of California's Coastal Development
The Sea Ranch second home development, agricultural and timber land preservation, the need for better commercial fishing facilities, and recreational and visual access to the coast were...

State/Local Collaboration for Richardson Bay
Management plans for unique and irreplaceable coastal resources are now common in coastal planning. However, plan and program implementation are still rarely achieved. All too often plans...

Multiple Owned Coasts: Development & Access
A fifteen mile stretch of coast near the Virginia-North Carolina border is currently undergoing a dilemma associated with development and public access. This region offers an excellent...

Improving Public Access to the New Jersey Shoreline
The New Jersey ocean beaches provide enjoyable recreational opportunities for residents of and visitors to the state. The state's second largest industry, tourism, is dependent...

Litigating the Invisible Boundaries of Tidelands and Wetlands
The author urges uniformity in standards for establishing the two invisible lines that are dominant in coastal law, i. e. , the main high water line and the wetlands line. A high degree...

Utilizing Conflict in Coastal Planning: Case History of Stamford, Connecticut
There are numerous advantages to be gained from public participation in government decision-making and a number of laws require some form of participation in planning. This report describes...

Off-Site Water Quality or On-Site Productivity
Nonpoint sources of pollution are being recognized as the primary source of water quality degradation in many coastal areas. In those areas where management programs are being implemented,...

Federal Policies in Water Resources Planning
The adequacy of current federal policies and institutional arrangements for water resources planning is assessed. Conclusions and recommendations are presented in five key areas: (1) Water...

Negotiation and Contract Management
A contract is the result of a negotiation leading to an agreement between two parties. A successful contract usually meets the needs of both parties. Satisfaction of needs is the reason...

Noise and Vibration Measurement
Prediction and Mitigation
The papers included in this publication represent a comprehensive view of three major sources of noise and vibration in our environment: Construction equipment and operations; transportation...

Waste Cleanup: Lessons Learned
Since hazardous waste mitigation is a new science, engineers need to pass on their experiences. The U. S. Army Waterways Experiment Station, seeking to expand the hazardous waste knowledge...

Master Plan for Irvine
Irvine, Calif. started 24 years ago with 68,000 acres and a master plan that emphasized controlled development and a mix of public and private enterprise. More than 25,000 acres have been...

Assessment of Water-Shortage Risks Under Various Use Options for Cedar Bluff Reservoir
Cedar Bluff Reservoir is located on the Smoky Hill River near Arnold, Kansas, with a drainage area of 5,530 mi**2. The reservoir was originally built for flood control, irrigation and...

Smart Transit: Better Service in a Wider Range of Applications
An overview of operating people movers is given. For most of the three dozen current systems, institutions other than mass transit agencies have been able to tap the major benefits offered...

Changing Attitudes Towards Elevated Structures
This paper examines the reaction of professionals and politicians to specific examples of proposals for new public transport systems that entail elevated structures in central areas. When...

The Neglected Challenge in Metropolitan Area Transportation
The central fact about metropolitan area transportation is the gross mismatch between the medium and low density patterns of settlement that are dominating the evolution of metropolitan...

Urban Experience with AGT in North America
This paper gives a brief historical review of events behind the four Automated Guideway Transit (AGT) system deployments which are approaching public operations during 1985 and 1986. Particular...

The Planning of an Automated Rapid Transit System in Vancouver
BC Transit is building a 13 mile (22 km) rapid transit line in Vancouver that incorporates Heavy Rapid Transit, Light Rapid Transit and Automated People Mover concepts. The bus sized lightweight...

Jacksonville Automated Skyway Express System
The history of the Jacksonville Automated Skyway Express is reviewed from the beginning of the Urban Mass Transportation Administration (UMTA) Automated Guideway Transit Demonstration...

Kobe New Transit System Portliner experience of Unmanned Operation
The Kobe New Transit System 'Portliner' is the first automated people mover which achieved the fully automated unmanned operation as a public transportation system...





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