Kern County Water Agency?1991 Emergency Ground Water Recovery Program
The 1991 Emergency Ground Water Recovery Program was conceived and implemented by the Kern County Water Agency to deliver water to four water districts to save permanent crops. The Program...

Computerized Irrigation Project Earthwork Design
A procedure was developed to perform earthwork optimization and land-leveling design for irrigation projects using aerial photogrammetry, a microcomputer and civil engineering computer...

GIS Utilization for Analysis of District Drainage Water Recycling
An ARC-INFO GIS system was used to identify physical drainage facilities in a 32,000 ha area of the San Joaquin Valley of California. Once the drainage facilities and linkages were established,...

A GIS Based, Pilot Scale, Wellhead Protection Project for Southern New Mexico
The 1986 amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) mandated that each state develop a wellhead protection program. Wellhead protection (WHP) means the protection of groundwater...

A GIS Water Planning Model for an Urban and Agricultural Area
Water demand in a region is a mosaic of urban (residential indoor and outdoor, commercial and industrial) and agricultural uses. Yet the typical approach is to aggregate urban water demand...

Impact of Surge Irrigation on Furrow Water Advance
Surge irrigation was compared to continuous flow in Nebraska from 1983 - 1990. As a result of surge irrigation, advance inflow times were reduced an average of 20 percent compared to continuous...

Some Needs for Irrigation Research in Czechoslovakia
In association with the changes in agrarian and social policy in Czechoslovakia under conditions of economic reform, a transformation of agricultural enterprise has been taking place....

Modeling the Distinction Between Regional Flow and Flow to Drains
Previous research at the Newlands Agricultural Research Center, in Fallon, Nevada, suggests that the quality of the water flowing to the 15 subsurface drain laterals in related to the...

Optimizing Conjunctive Water Use in a Dynamic Stream-Aquifer System with US/REMAX
Long-term water management planning models frequently use large time steps and must employ fairly crude assumptions (such as average climatic conditions, etc.). Managing stream aquifer...

Water Distribution Plan Utah Lake/Jordan River Basin
The Utah Lake/Jordan River basin is comprised of several river systems that are hydrologically related but, for the most part, have been managed and operated separately. To further complicate...

Application of Distributed Parameter Watershed Model for Determining the Effects of Climate Change on Water Resources
Projected scenarios of climate change are likely to have significant effects on hydrology and water resources in the semi-arid western United States. The paper describes the application...

Climate Change: Is Trouble Ahead for Water Engineers?
Very long range forecasts of future global warming from 2 to 5?C have been made as a result of the increase in carbon dioxide and trace gases in the atmosphere due to man's activities....

Effect of Agricultural Drainage on Water Quality in the Mid-Atlantic States
Agricultural drainage development in the form of drainage alone and controlled drainage-subirrigation (CD-SI) has created conflicts with environmental concerns. Most concerns the lack...

Effect of Agricultural Drainage on Water Quality in the Humid Portion of the Pacific Northwest
Agricultural drainage first began in Washington around 1830 and in Oregon around 1840. The first efforts to drain soils for agricultural use began by constructing shallow ditches spaced...

Evaporation Pond Hydrology
Drainwater evaporation ponds are impoundment facilities designed for drainwater disposal by evaporation. In California, these ponds are typically constructed on the clay soils of the western...

A GIS Approach for Studying Irrigation Management Alternatives to Reduce Salt Loading of River Basins
As part of an ongoing effort to improve the water quality of the Colorado River, many methods have been employed to analyze the overall benefits of alternate irrigation management practices...

Managing Irrigation in the Presence of Groundwater
A method was developed to use lysimeter data for groundwater contribution to crop water use in the irrigation scheduling procedure for a subsurface drip irrigated field underlain by shallow...

Irrigating Lettuce with Buried Drip, Surface Drip, and Furrow Irrigation Systems: Overall Performance
Groundwater nitrate contamination is a major concern in the Salinas Valley of California. The source of much of the nitrate appears to be vegetable production in the valley. A field-scale...

Furrow Irrigation Education
A furrow irrigation simulation computer model based on the volume-balance method is described. The model is used to develop information on furrow system performance that can be used in...

Optimal Commands in Border Irrigation Systems
Optimal command areas and level border irrigation design parameters are obtained for a given available seasonal water supply using a dynamic programming (DP) optimization approach. The...





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