Intrusion of Turbid Water into a Two-Layer Stratified Environment
The horizontal intrusion of a turbid water with some intermediate density spreading on the interface of a two-layered homogeneous body of water is investigated. The study is directed towards...

Local Scour at Bridge Abutments
Comparison of local scour depths at bridge abutments computed using different equations yields a large variation in predicted values. To consolidate the fragmented results of previous...

Analysis of Local Scouring
An understanding of local scouring is very important for the safety and integrity of hydraulic structures. The location, shape, and magnitude of the scour hole is a function of dynamic...

Baseflow and Beta Distribution
For water resources projects, design engineers are often required to separate total flow into baseflow and direct runoff. During such studies, baseflow is considered a crucial parameter;...

Investigation of Low-flow Phenomenon in Case of Droughts
By the use of streamflow and truncation levels, hydrologic droughts are defined. Flows of different truncation level are obtained from each selected subbasin. Flow ratio is calculated...

Predicting Human Instability in Flood Flows
The delineation of high flood hazard zones within a flood plain is usually independent of the parameters that constitute a life threatening situation. In order to define human instability...

Cross Sectional Area Reduction Floodway Method
Encroachment on the floodplain, such as structures and fill, reduces the stream's flood carrying capacity, increases the flood heights and velocities, and increases flood...

Comparison of DAMBRK With DWOPER for Computing Water Surface Elevations at Stream Junctions
The National Weather Service computer programs DWOPER (Operational Dynamic Wave Model) and DAMBRK (Dam-break) are one-dimensional models using an implicit finite difference method of solution...

Peak Outflow From a Breached Embankment Dam
A relation for rapidly predicting the peak outflow rate from a breached embankment dam has been presented. The prediction equation is based on reliable data from 19 embankment dam failures...

A Frictional Resistance Model for the Analysis of Non-Point Source Pollution Processes
This study experimentally investigated the effect of a permeable bed for steady, laminar and smooth turbulent free surface flow on the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor. Flow velocities and...

Interfacial Instability in Highly Stratified Flows
The stability of highly stratified shear flows is dependent on several parameters including the thickness of the interfacial transition layer. Experimental results show that the thickness...

The Role of Vegetation in River Bank Erosion
The purpose of this paper is to describe briefly how streambank vegetation, both roots and shoots, modify the 'skin' or surface layer and how this in turn affects...

Groins and Vanes Developed Basing Upon a New Concept of Bank Protection
At curved bends, scour at the outer bank always accompanies deposition at the inner bank. A highly efficient river course for flood flow is considered to have a small lateral gradient...

Estuarine Mud Flow Modeling
This paper presents a model for the simulation of selective withdrawal of estuarine mud. This research is part of the investigation of the design of a mud pumping plant as an alternative...

Improved Numerical Analysis of Steady Water Surface Profiles
As well as HEC-2 and similar models serve the profession, problems exist with their application. In general, inflexibility of use and inaccuracies around transitions between subcritical...

Determining River Stages with Consideration of Backwater Effects
In a recent hydraulic investigation on the Cache River basin, the stages of the Mississippi River at the Beechridge station were found to be necessary downstream boundary conditions for...

Numerical Modeling of Hydraulic Jump
Boussinesq equations describing one-dimensional unsteady, rapidly varied flows are numerically integrated by using a second-order and a fourth-order accurate explicit finite-difference...

General Formulation of Best Hydraulic Channel Section
The best hydraulic channel section is determined by using Lagrange's method of undetermined multipliers. The approach presented is more general & easier to apply than...

Bank Protection at the Middle and Lower Yangtze
The Middle and Lower Yangtze runs through alluvial plains about 1800 km. There are mainly three types of river reaches: straight-slightly sinuous, meandering, and braided. This paper outlines...

Bank Erosion: A Review of British Research
The paper summarizes recent contributions from British geomorphologists and hydrologists. This includes field measurements of processes, modeling of corrasion and mass failure, interactions...





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